You are invited to see the flowers 🌸邀你看花🌸
☀️日出喚醒清晨,大地光彩重生🍃 #大美中国
The great rivers and mountains of the motherland🏞 春意濃,景色美,祖國的大好河山🇨🇳
Beautiful scenery south of the Yangtze River 又見江南春色,猶如美景入夢來
Crabapple flowers open, beautiful and touching 海棠花開,嬌豔動人💗🌺
🇨🇳Chinese landscape trees 水天一色,人間樹木🌲最是溫柔🌞
📍香港 完美的金色陽光☀️ 👀The Golden Perfection
📍雲南 大理古城春色美🌴🌼 #大美中国 #Travel
New Chinese style begonia flower really perfect match 新中式風格跟海棠花真的絕配了🌺
The Li River is as picturesque as poetry🌳 灕江山水,如詩如畫…🎋
sunrise at sea 海上日出 #sunset
🇨🇳Xizang is beautiful 😍山南,這裏既有壯麗的山川河流,又有神秘的神山聖湖。
There is a fine view of the countryside. 籬落疏疏一徑深,樹頭花落未成蔭🌿
📍灕江 👀浮光躍金,靜影沉璧🌛
Welcome to Hong Kong 欢迎来香港🇨🇳🇭🇰
Beautiful scenery south of the Yangtze River 憶江南,疏星燦燦水波寒,燈火已闌珊🦋🦋
📍老君山 煙橫萬里疑觀海,雪擁千峰慾到天
Heart-shaped sunset glow 🧡愛心晚霞🧡 #大美中国
Guangyuan Jianmen pass🇨🇳 雄奇劍門蜀道,大美人文廣元 #大美中国
Leifeng Pagoda in Hangzhou 杭州雷峰塔
千里澄江似練,翠峰如簇,恰似一條龍🐉 #大美中国