💜: boleh gak ketawa lagi? Aku baru aja nyambungin ke speaker 🐰: *KETAWA KENCENG BANGET*
💜: aku gatau gimana cara buat crush aku terkesan.. ada carabya gak ya? 🐰: oh.. langsung aja pergi ke crush kamu dan bilang "WOY! LU MAKAN BARENG GUA! PEGANG DANGAN GUA JUGA! DAN JALAN KE TAMAN HIBURAN!"
💜: ya! Baek Yi-jin!! 🐰: i wasn't going to kiss you!! i was trying to remove that!! So jungkook basically imitating Na Heedo when Baek Yijin thought she's going to kiss him😂
💜: boleh peluk? Aku lagi sedih 🐰: kemari, biar aku peluk
Jungkook telah dinyatakan pulih dari covid dan karantinanya resmi berakhir. Selain itu, Jungkook juga akan berpartisipasi dalam Grammy setelah mendapat persetujuan atas hasil antigennya yang negatif 💜
Karena best pop duo/group tidak ada di setlist untuk pre-ceremony, jadi bisa disimpulkan kategori tersebut akan diumumkan di acara utamanya jam 7 pagi WIB nanti ya. Silahkan yang mau tidur kembali dan bangun nanti pas Red Carpet (5.30 WIB) atau pas Main Show (07.00 WIB)
I'm sooo excited!! #GRAMMYsTNT #BTS @BTS_twt
Lets talk about their dance break tonight!!! IT WAS INSANE!!!!!!!!!!
The main character tonight🌟
No matter what the result, they are winners. Always be our winners💖
애들아 고생많았어ㅠㅠ..
We're so proud of you!!!! Thank you for always giving the best song and the best performance to us💜 @BTS_twt Can't wait to see you take over the arena and the stadium💜💜💜💜
They hugged each other :( i love them so muchㅠㅠ..
And they will keep going, and will create more history💜 @BTS_twt
silk sonic's reaction sksjsksjsksk sorry but this is sooo cute and funny
Taehyung with Lady Gaga!!
🐨: waktu mereka berdua (hobi, jk) harus di karantina, dan seokjin hyung sedang cedera (jarinya), kita harus berlatih ber-4 selama seminggu
Rehearsed the performance only once (by yesterday), but able to create THE MOST ICONIC PERFORMANCE AT THE NIGHT + THE LEGENDARY PERFORMANCE, and yes it's bts.
Jungkook said he's having dinner with members and bang PD together
Jungkook's playlist on vlive: - Tango (Abir) - Stuck With U (Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber) - Love Letter (Anthony Lazaro) - Dancing With Your Ghost (Sasha Alex Sloan) - Trace (Jeremy Passion) - Love Yourself (Justin Bieber) - Good For You (Peder Elias) - Easy (Mac Ayres)
When jungkook finally realized the picture behind him😆
Not how jungkook used the cutest emoji (૭ ᐕ)૭ of him boxing, but all we can see on the video, just him being the hottest one.
Taehyung just growling during his part on IDOL, but he ended it with :]
Seokjin looks hotter with his new hair color😭😭😭😭😭