
チャンミン33歳誕生日お祝い企画 抽選で1名様にXVツアーグッズTBマスコット6個セット! 参加方法:①本アカウントをフォロー ②このツイートをRT +リプ(チャンミンを好きになてから一番印象に残った事) 当選者発表日:2月19日12:00 #HappyMaxDay #최강창민 #チャンミン
For supporting the greatest project produced by our most lovely, nice and kind-hearted Changmin. Beautymin ordered 127 of the RE:MAX collection on day 1. Hope everyone give lots of support too! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
141116 Best Of Best in Guangzhou #changmin
170413 서울경찰S/S콘서트 #최강창민
140815 Seoul SMT #changmin
131227 Time Slip 동방신기 사랑해
BeautyMin’s Group Ticketing—TVXQ!concert in HongKong #TVXQ_CONCERT_CIRCLE_with#in Hong Kong⬇️⬇️
This is BeautyMin’s roll-up banner which will be placed outside the venue on 7/20’s concert. Come and find us to get the free supporting gifts! 😊😊😊 #沈昌珉
Today's event we sent Changmin 2 books about photography.And told him study hard.He said:Really?Thank u very much><
230214昌珉羽田✈️金浦高清4P💜💜💜 #최강창민 #Changmin #MAXCHANGMIN #チャンミン
170413 서울경찰S/S콘서트 #심창민 #최강창민
We asked Changmin still remember Beautymin?He said of course!We told him BM 3rd Anniv is coming.He congratulated us.
what didn't change is my heart to work hard and repay the love. Just as I receive happiness from you, I will continue to do what I can to repay. Thank you everyone.🥰🥰🥰…
Today' s second sign event place…Beautiful…
こんな厳しい環境の中、BeauyMinと皆様一緒にチャンミンのソロを応援でき本当に心から感謝致します。皆様の温かい応援の気持ちも絶対チャンミンの所まで届けます!これからもチャンミンのために一緒に頑張りましょう‼︎ ps:皆様もコロナ気を付けてね‼︎🙏🙏🙏…
chami doll cloths👇👇👇
皆さんこんにちは😊 応援プレゼントの無料配布を始めました! 事前購入者対象のバックとチケットの受け取りもしています✨ 皆さん来てください❤️
140119 汝矣岛签名会 #changmin
0111昌珉End talk: Everyone, happy new year. It is already 2020, and I have some thoughts recently. As time passes, there is nothing in this world that never change. Things change because we grow. Getting so much love from all of you