190629东方神起曼谷CON 沈昌珉SOLO-beautiful stranger #沈昌珉
190630沈昌珉泰国晚餐~ #沈昌珉
190630沈昌珉曼谷安帕瓦水上市场🥰🥰🥰 #沈昌珉
190630沈昌珉曼谷安帕瓦水上市场🥰🥰🥰 #沈昌珉
We will distribute 300 fans at 14:00 tomorrow for Thai concert. Location of the distribution will be announced on twitter tomorrow, stay tuned! 💜💜💜 #沈昌珉
190628韩国✈️泰国🥰🥰🥰 #沈昌珉
This is BeautyMin’s roll-up banner which will be placed outside the venue on 7/20’s concert. Come and find us to get the free supporting gifts! 🥰🥰🥰 #沈昌珉
This is BeautyMin’s roll-up banner which will be placed outside the venue on 7/20’s concert. Come and find us to get the free supporting gifts! 😊😊😊 #沈昌珉
We will sell our self-produced goods - BeatyMin's bag at Hongkong concert. The price will be $10usd, The size of the bag is 30x25cm,The inter bag is detachable. We will sell it at the venue on the concert day.🥰🥰🥰
190605 The Design Museum Paulsmith 特别活动沈昌珉 #최강창민 #심창민 #チャンミン #동방신기
190605 The Design Museum Paulsmith 特别活动沈昌珉 #최강창민 #심창민 #チャンミン #동방신기
For supporting the greatest project produced by our most lovely, nice and kind-hearted Changmin. Beautymin ordered 127 of the RE:MAX collection on day 1. Hope everyone give lots of support too! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Today, Changmin hit the hot issue(most searched hashtag) because of the photo which he was looking at the BBQ eagerly on Weibo!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
190514沈昌珉首尔赴底特律🥰🥰🥰 #최강창민 #심창민 #チャンミン #동방신기
190514沈昌珉首尔赴底特律🥰🥰🥰 #최강창민 #심창민 #チャンミン #동방신기
Due to the Hong Kong Concert is holding in summer on 7/20, Beautymin prepared 3000 fans to distribute at the venue, feel free to come to us and get on the concert day.😊😊😊😊 #최강창민 #심창민 #チャンミン #동방신기
선물 인증샷 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 #최강창민 #심창민 #チャンミン
BeautyMin’s Group Ticketing—TVXQ!concert in HongKong #TVXQ_CONCERT_CIRCLE_with#in Hong Kong⬇️⬇️
190414 沈昌珉参加D&E CON 世界第一的小可爱🤣🤣🤣🤣 #최강창민 #심창민 #チャンミン #동방신기
190414 沈昌珉参加D&E CON 😂😂 #최강창민 #심창민 #チャンミン #동방신기