
Unmatched speed and superior reflexes will give any SOULCALIBUR veteran trouble when fighting against Taki. Prepare for battle when #SOULCALIBUR VI releases on PS4, Xbox One, and PC this year!
Beware of Taki's Mekki-Maru, the cursed blade contains a fierce power that she only unleashes in the most dire of situations... Step on to the stage of history and show us that your soul still burns! Pre-order #SOULCALIBURVI today!
This contract makes known the following: A barbaric knight known as Nightmare, reaps the souls of the living as if they were mere stalks of corn. Survivors speak of a single blow from his Soul Edge felling scores of villagers. Will a Witcher slay this fiend? #SOULCALIBURVI
Welcome Yoshimitsu back to the stage of history! His clan was destroyed by the ire of a powerful warlord. As the lone survivor, Yoshimitsu, dedicated his life to his clan's martial arts. With his excellent swordsmanship, he was the greatest swordsmen of his time!
【ソウルキャリバー6】吉光が登場するキャラクターPV第7弾を公開!万字忍術の奇抜なる体術の数々は相手の意表を突くことを眼目としており、自らの動作を見切られることなく敵を討つ!… #ソウルキャリバー #SoulCaliburVI
#COMBOBREAKER attendees will have a chance to play the new SOULCALIBUR VI this weekend! Get to the Mega Center early and show us that your soul still burns. Reserve your copy today!
The doors at @combobreakerfgc are now open! If you’re at the event, come on by and try out SOULCALIBUR VI!
Prepare for the return of Maxi in #SOULCALIBURVI! Armed with his treasured Fatibal, he unleashes the powerful Shissen Karihadi fighting style! Step back onto the stage of history in 2018 and reserve your copy TODAY!
"Am I…too fast for you?” Maxi the prideful pirate from the Ryukyu Kingdom is back! Will you be choosing this warrior as your main when SOULCALIBUR VI arrives in 2018? Reserve your copy today!
【ソウルキャリバー6】マキシが登場するキャラクターPV第8弾を公開!流派「七閃架裏破手」の名が示すがごとく、七つもの「型」を経由して間断なく繰り出されるヌンチャクの嵐は相手を翻弄し、見切る隙さえ与えぬままに急所を一閃する!… #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBURVI
ICYMI: Yesterday we revealed the return of Maxi in #SOULCALIBURVI! Will you be choosing this proud warrior as your main? Reply to let us know and reserve your copy today!
The Spheres have aligned! Geralt of Rivia, The White Wolf will be playable for the first time in #SOULCALIBURVI at E3 2018! Come by the Bandai Namco booth (#1647) to challenge a Witcher! #BandaiNamcoE3
Transcending history and the world, a tale of souls and swords, eternally retold. SOULCALIBUR VI arrives on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 19th, 2018! Pre-order now @
【ソウルキャリバー6】PS4/Xbox One版:2018年10月18日(木)、STEAM版:2018年10月19日(金)に発売決定!さらに、邪剣と霊剣の戦いを描いた壮大なストーリモード『ソウルクロニクル』の紹介映像を公開!是非ご覧ください!… #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBURVI
We sat down with #SOULCALIBUR VI producer Motohiro Okubo at #E32018 to talk about the evolution of the story, addition of #TheWitcher's Geralt and brand new mechanics. Watch now! #BandaiNamcoE3
[EU] In addition to the classic CE, this Limited Collector’s Edition is exclusive to our official store & features a unique silver variant of legendary fighter Sophitia in addition to #SOULCALIBUR VI’s epic soundtrack & season pass. Pre-order now! #E32018
If you're planning to fight against a Witcher then you better come prepared... Ready your weapon, #SOULCALIBURVI arrives on 10/19! Click here to pre-order your copy today!
Pre-order #SOULCALIBURVI Collector's Edition to receive the game, a 12 inch Sophitia statue, 120pg art book, the soundtrack, + steel case cover w/ built in soundbox! [US orders only] Are you ready to step into battle? Pre-order your copy today!
ICYMI: Last week we dropped the #SOULCALIBURVI Story Trailer at #E3! WATCH the video and pre-order your copy of SOULCALIBUR VI today!
公式HPにて「ストーリー:ソウルクロニクル」モードを公開! 会話パートの顔イラストは、現在イラストレーター、キャラクターデザイナーとしてご活躍されてる ヒロアキ先生に描いて頂きました!有難うございます! #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
#Talim, the Last Priestess of the Winds, returns to the stage of history in #SOULCALIBUR VI! Wielding her dual elbow blades and Wind Dance fighting style, she vowed to protect the world.
タリム公開! 漫画家、イラストレーターとしてご活躍されてる 箕星太郎先生( @mino_taro )にタリムの応援イラストを描いて頂きました! 有難うございます!… #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
Talim, the Last Priestess of the Winds, returns to the stage of history. Her sword dance is sometimes a mild breeze, and sometimes a fierce gale, but always slicing through her opponents like a blade! #SOULCALIBURVI
Fans cannot wait to get their hands on more SOULCALIBUR VI! Watch our reaction video from #E3 and prepare to step onto the stage of history once again when #SOULCALIBURVI arrives on October 19th! Pre-order your copy today!
The halls of EVO will ring with the clashing of swords! We're proud to announce the SOULCALIBUR VI tournament at this year’s EVO Championship series! Tournament registration details coming soon… Hope to see you all there!