
(2/2) In the rough draft stage, we considered many variations of the uniform-style costumes from past works. The modern sheer tights inherited from SC2 could not be removed as an important feature of Cassandra. #SOULCALIBUR
Transcending history as #SOULCALIBURVI has reached 2 million copies sold! Thank you to all of our fans for your continued support and may your soul still burn!
#SOULCALIBUR™ VI 世界累計販売本数200万本突破! \ 「#SOULCALIBUR Online Challenge」も昨年度につづき開催が決定! コミュニティベースのオンライントーナメントシリーズにリニューアルして、本日7/21(水)よりスタート! 👇詳細はこちら…
1. Devise an idea (2/2) Designers and animators create illustrations and documents of their ideas for a new move. It is necessary to envision how interesting and new the attack motion will be, as well as how it will perform when used in competition. #SOULCALIBUR
August 8th is the birthday of Hwang Seong-gyeong, the Secret Royal Blademaster! Celebrate the masked swordsman who uses a combination of swordplay and talisman to fight and thwart the schemes of the Evil Sword Apostles! #SOULCALIBUR
Aug. 13 is the birthday of Hildegard von Krone (Hilda), the Defender of the Kingdom. Let's celebrate the young acting ruler who fights Malfested on behalf of her father Georg, using her flag spear and sword! #SOULCALIBUR
This is the concept art of Hilde. The design is based on the image of a brave princess and warrior of a kingdom. The wolf and lily-of-the-valley, which are also used in the emblem of the kingdom, are used as motifs. (1/2) #SOULCALIBUR
(2/2) In the rough draft stage, we tried to find a new image based on the full armor like in SC4. Initially, We had designed the armor in silver as in the past, but considering the novelty and her story in SC6, We changed it to gold armor. #SOULCALIBUR
ヒルダ編で描かれる、幼い頃のヒルダ。可憐な容姿ですが、この頃から剣と槍を使った戦技には秀でていたようです。 A design drawing of Hilde when she was still a child. She seems to have excelled in the art of warfare using swords and spears from that time. #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
ヒルダ編に登場するヒルダの父ゲオルク、忠臣ガリブラント、そして少年期と青年期のヴィルヘルムのデザイン画です。 These are design drawings of Hilde's father George, her loyal vassal Garibrand, and Wilhelm as a boy and after he grew up in Hilde's story. #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
August 25th is the birthday of the Voldo, the Abyss Watcher! Celebrate a loyal squire who has mastered the jamadhar and continues to protect his late master Vercci's beloved treasures! #SOULCALIBUR
誕生日が不明のキャラクターをお祝いする機会を作ろうということで、今回は「封魔の朧影」タキです! 丹塗りの装束を纏い、二振りの忍者刀で邪悪な者どもを滅する女忍者をお祝いしましょう! #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
In the spirit of creating opportunities to celebrate characters whose birthdays are unknown, this time it's Taki the "Fu-ma's Shadow"! Let's celebrate the female ninja who wears a sacred ninuri costume and destroys evils with her two ninja swords! #SOULCALIBUR
タキのコンセプトアートです。『ソウルエッジ』から続く伝統的な封魔の忍者ボディスーツのデザインをリファインしました。鎧には厄祓いの象徴でもある鬼面があしらわれています。今回は身体に浮き出る封魔文字が最大の特徴です。(アートディレクターより) #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
This is the concept art for Taki. This is a refined version of the traditional Fu-ma ninja suit design from Soul Blade. The armor is adorned with Oni masks, a symbol of exorcism. This time, the most distinctive feature is the Fu-ma letters that appear on the body. #SOULCALIBUR
シリーズ20周年記念タイトルである『ソウルキャリバー6』は、10月18日に皆様のおかげで発売から3周年を迎えました。今後とも、ソウルシリーズを何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。 #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
SOULCALIBUR VI, the 20th anniversary title in the series, is celebrating its third anniversary since its release, thanks to you all. Thank you for your continued support of the Soul Series! #SOULCALIBUR
10/22は「冬薔薇の小公女」エイミがラファエルと出会った、二人の記念の日。いわば彼女の第二の誕生日です! 養父ラファエルから贈られた愛剣アルビオンを手に、過酷な未来へと立ち向かう運命の少女をお祝いしましょう! #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
10/22 is the anniversary of when Amy, the Winter Rose, met Raphael, and it's their anniversary. In other words, it is also the birthday of "Amy Sorel" Let's celebrate a young girl defying her harsh fate with her rapier Albion, a gift from her adoptive father Raphael! #SOULCALIBUR
November 3rd is the birthday of Seong Mi-na, the Daughter of the Bladed Rod! Let's celebrate the young martial artist, the only daughter of the prestigious Seong Dojang of the Joseon Dynasty, who is slender and adept at handling a pole weapon! #SOULCALIBUR
November 18th is the birthday of Grøh, the Agent in Black! Let's celebrate the wielder of the twinblade, who belongs to the secret group Aval Organization, and who stands against the "outsiders"! #SOULCALIBUR
November 27th is the "Prelude to Madness", Raphael Sorel's birthday! Let's celebrate the cold-hearted aristocrat of the Kingdom of France and the master of the rapier! #SOULCALIBUR
12月10日は「絡みつく孤高の刃」、アイヴィー(イザベラ・バレンタイン)の誕生日です! 錬金術によって生み出した意志を持つ魔剣・アイヴィーブレードと共に、呪われた血脈の宿命に抗う女剣士をお祝いしましょう! #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
December 10th is the birthday of Ivy (Isabella Valentine), the "Coiling Contempt"! Let's celebrate a female warrior wielding the willed magic sword Ivy Blade, created by alchemy to defy the fate of her cursed bloodline! #SOULCALIBUR
February 6th is the birthday of Siegfried Shtauffen, the Soul With No Tomorrow! Let's celebrate the young knight who wields a sword as tall as he is and dedicates his life to redemption! #SOULCALIBUR