⚡️WAITING ROOM UP💖 【karaoke 歌枠】Singing ANIME SONGS! アニソン縛り!【NIJISANJI EN | Kotoka Torahime】 youtube.com/live/cL2enUjwA… 5/3 9pm JST l 5/3 5am PST day 1 of everyday karaoke!!! #kotokaraweek #GWコトカラ祭
3勝2敗、叶チームとのラストマッチオーバータイム!新人の意地、見せたったよ!! アイアンのド初心者の成長ぶり、いかがだったでしょうか。 明日3位決定戦!!がんばります! 💪🔥 #にじばろカスタム #NfDWIN
#にじばろカスタム】本番だ!!鳥だ!!わんちゃんだ!!【風楽奏斗・ソフィア ヴァレンタイン・四季凪アキラ・マリア マリオネット・虎姫コトカ】 youtube.com/live/sT9RGCNC2…
本日は23時よりイブラヒムチームとスクリム!かつて師匠と呼んだシュウと対面だー!! I said I'm taking a break from stream today, but I'll have a scrim with Ibrahim team at 11pm JST!! My Valo shupport coach Shu's on that team wish me luck😤
英語で話してる時の日本語コメントは即英語に翻訳するし、if there is an English comment while I’m talking in Japanese I’ll translate it on the spot! I don’t think many ppl do that? 英語自信ない、でも勉強したい!って人でも英語コメントにチャレンジできるような場所になったらいいな😚 twitter.com/sbeplt/status/…
Singing is something I'm passionate about, and I wanted to try a new project of mine to let that be known! It really did take a lot of work and preparation, but I hope you guy do enjoy💖 ... hopefully an exciting announcement on the final day...?😳 #kotokaraweek #GWコトカラ祭
【1 WEEK KARAOKE MARATHON】 ゴールデンウィーク 毎日歌枠企画 5/3 5am PST ~ 5/7 7am PST 5/3 9pm JST ~ 5/7 11pm JST ↓↓↓ youtube.com/@KotokaTorahime #kotokaraweek #GWコトカラ祭
thank you so much for the EN × ID Minecraft collab🥲💖 good memories
Thank you for the #NijiGlobalAmongUs !! 地獄すぎるグローバルアモアスありがとうございます! PIYO PIYO DOKO DOKO DOSUKOI YA=!
⚡️WAITING ROOM UP💖 【#NijiGlobalAmongUs】THE MOST SUFFERING POV RIGHT HERE.【NIJISANJI EN | Kotoka Torahime】 youtube.com/live/Zo9KoZ2Hy… 4/29 11pm JST l 4/29 7am PST
Ike is both S and M🫣🫣
⚡️WAITING ROOM UP💖 【VOICE ACTING】Japanese lesson and recording w/ Ike Eveland🖊【NIJISANJI EN | Kotoka Torahime】 youtube.com/live/7n3xk00pQ… 4/28 10pm JST l 4/26 6am PST
What kind of a character would you see Ike as in a game?? Your answers in the reply would choose our path for the collab tonight
I said I'm taking a day off today, but I'm going to stream VALORANT with my team mates for a scrim with Naraka senpai's team at 8PM JST, 4am PST!!
I have this Japanese rap I’m dying to teach Kyo, but idk if it’s appropriate LMAO
ムリンゴムリムリドスコイ太郎のワッショイワッショイパーリーピーポー金飛びピーポー twitter.com/pj_sekai/statu…
@shu_yamino @YouTube 師匠…… 争いの時は来た。 短い間だったがらお世話になった。 いつかお互いまた会おう。 虎姫
I hope management doesn't see this but I can't recommend you buying my voice pack this time I was so sick recording this like bitch get well first before you tell others to get well lmao
⚡️WAITING ROOM UP💖 【karaoke 歌枠】ANIME SONG ONLY! アニソン限定🔥【NIJISANJI EN | Kotoka Torahime】youtube.com/live/hHazFe07j… 4/22 9pm JST l 4/22 5am PST
Oh yeah and I got killed by Vox here LMAO The animation, and Vox’s Japanese / script was absolutely amazing, we had so much fun voice acting this😋✌️ youtube.com/live/9eXovWIuS…
I overslept and just watched the vod but ey #LuxiemOutfitRelay