OMATASE... 6pm JST premiere? A video on how I learned how to speak English😤 真面目に話しすぎちゃった。6時にプレミア公開しよかな?…
I was playing ARK offline and Shibuya senpai confirmed that my VC is working I’m crying rn I😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Both me and my PC screaming for its dear sanity rn. ムービーメイカー新生児の血反生産物
Dont you love it when you have long nails you can just eat with your nails and not use a fork😂😂✨
I am not good with English. Only Japanese.. thank you…
I am genuinely so, so sorry to the people who felt uncomfortable watching our collab. But this clip I can’t—…
Hi guys sorry I was attending my friend’s wedding today and I’ve decided that I want to get married too so I’ll push the stream back 1 hour thanks💖 結婚式に出席したら心のゼクシィ化が進んだのでとりあえず本日結婚してきます!よって配信は21時スタートとさせていただきます!
me: buys the ingredients for the gyoza beforehand cus I'm productive also me: just sold my fridge cus I don't cook question: how long does raw meat last in room temperature?
【SONG COVER OUT!!】🎵AFTERPARTY + LIL' ANNOUNCEMENT💖【NIJISANJI EN | Kotoka Torahime】… starting in like 9 hours!? neverous for the release AH goodnight, I'll meet you at 6PM PST 9PM EST 11AM JST
名前は虎姫琴華です…よく名前負けって言われます…すみません…歌うのが好きです…質問してもらえると話しやすいので何かあれば… My name is Torahime Kotoka...I'm often told that I'm nameless...I'm sorry...I like to sing...It's easier to talk if you ask questions, so if there's anything
@AiaAmare A date with THE Air Amare from NIJISANJI EN!?!? YES PLZ
I have fun things planned for the night after this, so I'll talk about a few things here in a bit…
It’s so heartwarming to see so many EN members learn/speak Japanese. It’s about time I teach them about my favorite Japanese meme series.
Sorry I've been a bit away the past few weeks! I've been sick and been having to go to the doctors regularly😭 I'm also trying to prepare myself to say goodbye to another family member, and after all these things happening at once I'm starting to think my room's haunted or smth😥
People are assuming the wrong info, so I want to state that I've never had anyone from NIJI come to my house before. I've actually never had ANYONE come over since I've moved here... except for the cleaning lady. If anyone would like to come help take the trash out w/ me call m
happy birthday Millie senpai!! #MillieCake2022
Can you unsee it? Cus I can’t. And guess what? I rap too.…
@shu_yamino hi banana senpai!!! Nice to meet you!!
I woke up with the feeling of someone tickling me but I LIVE ALONE🥹
We’re debuting soon guys!!!!! …so if you guys don’t come…
This is my answer for Mysta RIAS.