P...Stands for the friends we made along the way! Thank you for joining us on prophunt!! (Gonna go speep now, have to hand in a few assignments and get ready for a double stream tomorrow!! Moving D.A.D.'s Marchen Forest...again LOL)
It's a waiting room...for a room? Come and be a part of our dazzling little room that I promise is not cursed at all! (Also BGM reveal!) #dropstonight youtube.com/live/n96mY-GVK… Art:@/dabear_art
Scythekick's Room Gacha is Finished!! It's just like happy home designer...but significantly, significantly, signifigcantly worse!
Made room to install Project Sekai! (sorry my offline crunchyroll playlist) Wondering how long my wallet has left to live now…
Sometimes I hear a voice singing from the library…Which is weird because who tf loves books THAT much, right??
Being on the wrong end of a time-loop is bad business…Minecraft is truly a psychological horror.
@EnnaAlouette ah! Just remember that it’s the opposite of “Let it Go!” and you’ll rock it!
@HexHaywire sneeze? allergy season is upon us already ;A;
Well...by the time I figured out how to fix it, it already became too late ;A; #Dropstonight youtube.com/live/-Obf3sno4… Let's just hope Minecraft allows me to play tomorrow... In the meantime, you can rewatch the EVIL version that happened today instead... art: @/Boom_starlight
@uki_violeta Worst part is that I never got to see your hellos until now. ;A;
Destiny+Continues 【Hashtags】🎡🐣🎡🐣🎡🐣 🐣MEME/CLIPS: #Doppameme 🎡LIVE: #Dropstonight 🐣SFW ART: #Dropsights / NSFW: #Dropshy 🎡STREAMS ASSETS: #Doppioassets 🐣STREAM THUMBNAILS: #Doppionails 🎡ASMR SCRIPTS: #Doppioscripts 🐣FAN NAME: #Scythekicks 🎡STUDENT COUNCIL: #XSOLEIL
I made a friend at the gym today cuz he was yelling about how Butter-fly is the greatest anime song of all time. Idk if I agree, but I do admire that gumption!
Oh no… a group of guys wearing one piece t shirts just stepped up…
inside jokes are funny because I can say “d” and a certain joke from a certain moment from a certain time will be visible in certain people’s minds! “d”
Regarding Minecraft and my timeloops…I really need to consult the club leader senpai of the institute who specializes in paradoxes, temporal phenomenons, minute-ready food being ready earlier than a minute, worm holes, dividing by zero, and fire emblem games: Tony Loopdeloopy
@HexHaywire Ah!! We really should learn to turn off auto correct. Hex's favorite exposition* is seeing your* content and happiness! Phew! Glad we got that solved.
Call me Tartaglia and give me a bow, cuz I’m having a Chill Day 😎
@ScarleYonaguni Wordle 598 3/6* H**DS??? 🟩 ⬛⬛ 🟩🟩??? Have you tried (Herds) (Heads) or (Hinds)?
Ah! I forgot to sleep! Brb.
Woke up to a much quieter rainy day…
AAAAA!!! Finally out of twitter jail!! I wrote like a billion reactions to the nintendo direct! HYPEST NINTENDO DIRECT EVER! NEW LAYTON, SIDE ORDER, NEW ZELDA, RAIN CODE, KAJI YUKI’S VOICE…and I can finally play Superstar Saga again TAT
Just found more interesting Switch stuff that wasn’t in Nintendo Direct! Little Witch Nobeta - 3/7 Digimon World - 2/22 Souls of Chronos - 2/14 void* tRrLM2(); - 2/28 Tyrant’s Blessing - 2/23 Labyrinth of Galleria - 2/14 What else looks hype??
The sun has risen! And so have I! Looking forward to today!
@NinaKosaka I’m the first person in the history of all time to be named Doppio Dropscythe! (And also I have a tarot deck I sometimes use!)
📸*snap* you're going into my cute collection! LIKE RIGHT NOW, ACTUALLY! WE'RE LIVE! #dropstonight youtube.com/live/GTr6LPjv5…