i'm the guy she told you not to worry about
forever and a day
here's that new necklace i promised you
i'm pregnant, it's your child
The culmination of love is grief, my heart bleeds for you all and especially for Noctyx. Please lend your patience and understanding. More love to you all. 🖤
i don't get paid enough for this shit
i’m your mommy and daddy
i hope i am not just an entertainer to you but a wife
why's ur waist so small huh? so i can just grab it and hold you constantly? pathetic
geography test
please like my tweets all the time please please please
please never feel guilty about making impressions/memes of my voice, i see them and think they're all hilarious, being sick often is shit enough, seeing the memes make it easier 🖤
does uki violeta is gay?
thank u 🖤🥀
don't talk to me or my son again
your neck, mine
love u❗️
please don't get horny around me, i'm an empath
sugar baby arc
eat me