TAE GUIDE(@taeguide)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

[INFO] Taehyung is nominated “Fan Choice of the Year” award at Seoul Music Awards. The winner will be awarded with a physical trophy on stage at the Seoul Music Awards Winning criteria: 30% Idol champ votes 50% Fancast Current Taehyung rank: Idol champ: 13 Fancast: 19
The little baby only smiled after seeing Taehyung 😭
What makes this funnier is that Taehyung is an Idol by profession so he has to look in the camera and talk while Seojoon is an actor and has to avoid the camera in scenes 😭
Taehyung came back early to Korea to send Jin off. He is the sweetest, most kindest friend one can ever ask for
This look…
[INFO] Taehyung’s Elle Korea covers displayed on LED Billboards in Seoul
How can anyone look like this…
Perro laying his head down on Taehyung’s feet as he fans him 😭
[INFO] Producer Hyesung IG shared Taehyung’s Smile snippet on his story. He recently worked with Taehyung on his Christmas cover “Soooon”
According to Fancast Taehyung will receive a Phyiscal trophy for winning the April vote for Fan choice of the year award held by Seoul Music Awards
[INFO] Harper’s Bazaar Korea shared an IG reel of Celine Boy V from Celine’s pop-up in Seoul (instagram.com/reel/Cqj0r-FJ1…)
Taehyung’s dance when customers shared they absolutely loved the chicken cooked by him
Celine boy is coming 🖤 V IS COMING V FOR ELLE KOREA
[INFO] Park Hyungsik mentions Wooga Squad in his recent interview for Blooming Youth “They are my true friends. They are the ones I turn to not only in difficulties, but also in times of laughter and tears all together”
[INFO] Taehyung’s Elle Korea covers displayed on the JTBC Plus building in Gangnam
Kim Taehyung at Celine Photo call CELINE BOY V
[INFO] Sim Invest one of the largest conglomerates in Indonesia has hinted at Kim Taehyung being appointed as their new Brand Ambassador twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
[INFO] Siminvest IG update with Taehyung (instagram.com/p/Cq2AAHeybFE/…)
This reaction to Taehyung’s Elle Korea shoot 😭 twitter.com/7_amae/status/…
Elle Korea on V: “With his low tender voice, he has soothed the hearts of many, V of BTS opens up his perspective on the power of music” V ON ELLE KOREA
[INFO] Smile Doctor lee (the dentist who appeared in Taehyung’s Vlog) shared these pictures from his Golfing date with Taehyung, Im Siwan and Kang Dongwon back in June
👩🏻: There he is! There he is! 👩🏼: He’s the one you wanted to see? 👩🏻: Yes it is. Yes! 👩🏻: He’s so beautiful/cute (crying) I finally got to see him!
[INFO] Taehyung’s French bodyguard that had accompanied throughout the entire duration of Paris trip shared sweet words about Taehyung “Taehyung was really sweet and asked his bodyguard to take pictures with him and he showed OP three selfies they took together +
[INFO] VOGUE includes Taehyung’s appearance at PFW as one of the Biggest Fashion Moments of 2022 “No other star spotting caused as much commotion as the arrival of Kim Taehyung, at Hedi Slimane’s show for Celine. V missed Celine show in LA last week, when will we see him next?”
[INFO] Beomgyu from TXT mentioned he enjoys watching Jinny’s Kitchen in his recent interview Q. What content did you enjoy the most? 🗣️: I watch "Jinny's Kitchen" these days. I watched it because I heard that Taehyung hyung was coming out & I'm enjoying watching his other side