TAE GUIDE(@taeguide)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

[INFO] Ahead of the release of KTH1 a website for Kim Taehyung has been created complete with links from his Fanbases to everything about Taehyung. Make sure to promote and subscribe to the website and let’s be fully prepared for KTH1 KIM TAEHYUNG GLOBAL kimtaehyungglobal.com
Many of you have only one account so if you have the means to purchase yellow hearts 💛 you can donate them to these users on Fancast so voting team can distribute them among voters twitter.com/vote4kths/stat…
[VOTE] The gap on fancast has reduced from 8K to 5K. Gentle reminder that the winner of the poll will receive a physical trophy! Please keep voting for Taehyung and if you have the means to donate 💛 hearts then please donate them to @vote4kths 🗳️ fancast.page.link/2bsa
Taehyung the baby of every group and who is constantly looked after 😭
[VOTE] The gap is too narrow on Idol champ. Please make sure to create more accounts and let’s maintain our lead for the next 29 days Current rank: #1 Gap: 220 🆘 🗳️ promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html…
[VOTE] Gap on Fancast is rapidly decreasing. We need to keep at it for another 30 days so please create more accounts and spread the vote amongst your mutuals Gap from #1 went from 10.8K to 8.7K in under an hour 🗳️ fancast.page.link/2bsa
[INFO] Episode 11 Director’s cut of Jinny’s Kitchen is now available to stream on Amazon Prime 📎 watch.amazon.com/detail?gti=amz…
Tete is the maknae of the group 😭
👩🏻: I am Army until I die 👩🏻: I told my husband not to come because I wanted to see Taehyung alone
Thank you to Intern V for filling our fridays with love and joy and especially a heartfelt thank you to 🇲🇽 Mexican Armys who showed Taehyung so much love and kept order and gave him his well deserved privacy🫶🏼
Taehyung and Wooshik singing Remember Me from the movie Coco. The closing shot for the show
The joy on his face when he was cooking the chicken for Armys 😭
They closed the kitchen so Seojoon was wondering why Taehyung was still frying up hot dogs and Taehyung shared he is doing this for his fans waiting outside for him.
Taehyung biased Army asked her husband not to come along as she wanted to see Taehyung all by herself 😭
Karmys held a cafe event to watch the last episode of Jinny’s Kitchen together and to bid farewell to Intern V
🐯: Do you want some? 🗣️: No 🐯: Why does everyone here hate ramen so much 🗣️: It’s not that we hate it… 🧑🏻: It’s that you like it way too much
Straight hair Taehyung
They are showing a montage of Seojin being absolutely endeared and smiling from ear to ear just by watching Taehyung eat ramen
Seojin: Hawaiian pizza is the one Taehyungie really likes V: I have never heard of it/ (well) That’s news to me
Taehyung: Noona did you cut your bangs? Yumi: Yeah
Taehyung a comedian 😭
Taehyung training Perro 🥹
Taehyung proudly mimicking his Boss Seojin
Taehyungie 🫶🏼