TeacherB - BibleVNFC🇻🇳(@FcBible_VN)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Can we get 50 RTs, QRts, 25 replies for Bible 🤵🏻🖤 I vote for @biblesumett #NETIZENSREPORT #BibleWichapas for Most Handsome Thai Actor #MHTA2023 #MHTA2023BibleWichapas @thenreport
Can I get 80 Rts, 50 comments 🥺🙏 Don't forget to use 👇 #miseensceneXBIBLE
Can I get 80 Rts, 50 comments 🥺🙏 Don't forget to use 👇 #GangnamxBible
There are four seasons in a year, and I only have one season to love you. EVERY SEASON WITH BIBLE #DearBibleItsSpring #BibleWichapas #bsumone @biblesumett
Bible vẫn cố quay lại chào fan kìa 🥺 yêu thương bọn mình lắm đấy, vì thế mong sẽ có nhiều cơ hội hơn để Bible và fan được gặp gỡ nhau 🥺 WICHAPAS in ASIA TOP AWARDS #AsiaTopAwards2023xBOC #BibleWichapas #bsumone @biblesumett twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Say "Here for Bible" and don't forget 👇 #GangnamxBible
If Bible chooses lipstick for you, which lipstick color would you like? #CharlotteTilburyxBible
When you are happy, Bsumbody shares the joy with you. When you are sad, Bsumbody cheers and encourages you. And Bsumbody will always be like that, standing behind strongly protecting you. #GotYourBackBible #BibleWichapas @biblesumett
Can I get 100 Rts, Qrts and 25 comments for Bible? 🥺 I vote for @biblesumett #NETIZENSREPORT #BibleWichapas for Most Handsome Man Alive #MHMA2023 #MHMA2023BibleWichapas @thenreport
Bible kêu, Grey rất kỉ luật do BB nuôi lâu òi, tuy nhiên Akuma và Okami thì khác, nghịch vs hiếu động. Và khi cả 3 chạm trán nghịch nhau thì tấn công luôn cả ổng 🤣 Kaniva 3rd HBD X BIBLE #Kaniva3rdBirthdayCelebration #KanivaXBible
Thầy tui kêu không được yêu cầu làm tư thế meo meo vì hôm nay thầy tui đến với tư cách là P'Pas 🥹 ---- Là P'Pas dữ chưa ạ 🥹🥹🥹 #miseensceneXBIBLE #BibleWichapas #bsumone @biblesumett
Can we get 80 rts, qrts and 30 reply for Bible, don't forget to use 👇👇👇 #CharlotteTilburyxBible
Không cho ai ngủ đúng không 😭😭😭 THC FINAL X BIBLE #THCFinalEpisode #BibleWichapas #bsumone @biblesumett
Can we get 50 RTs, QRts, 25 replies for Bible 😎 I vote for @biblesumett #NETIZENSREPORT #BibleWichapas for Most Handsome Man Alive #MHMA2023 #MHMA2023BibleWichapas @thenreport
Can I get 100 Rts, Qrts and 25 comments for Bible? 🥺 I vote for @biblesumett #NETIZENSREPORT #BibleWichapas for Most Handsome Thai Actor #MHTA2023 #MHTA2023BibleWichapas @thenreport
[120623] [FB] SpeedMil Arena cập nhật hình ảnh về thầy tui ngầu đét (+) #BibleWichapas #bsumone @biblesumett
Can we get 80 RTs, QRts, 25 replies for Bible 🔥 I vote for @biblesumett #NETIZENSREPORT #BibleWichapas for Most Handsome Man Alive #MHMA2023 #MHMA2023BibleWichapas @thenreport
Seeing you smile makes me smile too \(^o^)/ Seeing you smile makes me smile too \(^o^)/ Seeing you smile makes me smile too \(^o^)/ Seeing you smile makes me smile too \(^o^)/ #MakeBibleSmileDay #BibleWichapas #bsumone @biblesumett
Say "Here for Bible" and don't forget 👇👇👇 Kaniva 3rd HBD X BIBLE #KanivaxBible
Reply, rtw and qtw for this pouty man 🤭 Remember to add this 👇 I vote for @biblesumett #NETIZENSREPORT #BibleWichapas for Most Handsome Thai Actor #MHTA2023 #MHTA2023BibleWichapas @thenreport
🥳🥳🥳 Congrats WICHAPAS in ASIA TOP AWARDS #AsiaTopAwards2023xBOC #BibleWichapas #bsumone @biblesumett
Can we get 50 RTs, QRts, 25 replies for Bible 😎 I vote for @biblesumett #NETIZENSREPORT #BibleWichapas for Most Handsome Man Alive #MHMA2023 #MHMA2023BibleWichapas @thenreport
VOTE BOOSTER Can I get 100 Rts, Qrts and 25 comments for Bible? 🥺 I vote for @biblesumett #NETIZENSREPORT #BibleWichapas for Most Handsome Man Alive #MHMA2023 #MHMA2023BibleWichapas @thenreport
Tớ yêu cậu @biblesumett I love you @biblesumett 사랑해요 @biblesumett ฉันรักคุณ @biblesumett 我爱你 @biblesumett 愛してます @biblesumett Mahal kita @biblesumett Je t’aime @biblesumett Te amo @biblesumett Ich liebe dich @biblesumett #เป็นคนที่ถูกรักของไบเบิ้ล