Thầy tui kêu không được yêu cầu làm tư thế meo meo vì hôm nay thầy tui đến với tư cách là P'Pas 🥹 ---- Là P'Pas dữ chưa ạ 🥹🥹🥹 #miseensceneXBIBLE #BibleWichapas #bsumone @biblesumett
Can we get 80 RTs, QRts, 25 replies for Bible 🔥 I vote for @biblesumett #NETIZENSREPORT #BibleWichapas for Most Handsome Thai Actor #MHTA2023 #MHTA2023BibleWichapas @thenreport
Reply, rtw and qtw for this pouty man 🤭 Remember to add this 👇 I vote for @biblesumett #NETIZENSREPORT #BibleWichapas for Most Handsome Thai Actor #MHTA2023 #MHTA2023BibleWichapas @thenreport
To: @biblesumett The future holds unforeseeable moments, with sunny skies one instant and tumultuous storms the next. However, what we can guarantee is our unwavering presence by your side, proud to be known as your honey. #เป็นคนที่ถูกรักของไบเบิ้ล #BIbleWichapas #bsumone
Tớ yêu cậu @biblesumett I love you @biblesumett 사랑해요 @biblesumett ฉันรักคุณ @biblesumett 我爱你 @biblesumett 愛してます @biblesumett Mahal kita @biblesumett Je t’aime @biblesumett Te amo @biblesumett Ich liebe dich @biblesumett #เป็นคนที่ถูกรักของไบเบิ้ล