Idk where this info is coming from saying I’m retiring from Halo, but I’ll let you know when that day comes, you won’t hear it from someone else other than me
S11 Thoughts : Best launch by FAR! Had minimal issues, the map is gorgeous and plays well, octane pad audio is great, Ash is strong but not busted, CAR is average but still viable, snipers and ranged weapons are king, loot is solid with ways to easily upgrade armors/weapons. A+
Apex is very hard to play right now ngl, ranked KC is extremely unenjoyable
Huge shoutout to @PlayApex for the smoothest season launch yet, I haven’t run into a single server or game issue and it may be the single most important season yet to do so, thank you!
I have to use every fiber of self control to not come on here and roast the absolute shit out of the poor excuse for a ranked system Halo Infinite uses every day and it just makes me so sad
People uptight about my armpit hair lmao imagine if they saw my ass
Halo needs forge ASAP, game needs more content creators and forge opens the door for so many of them to have an actual reason to play the game because right now they don’t and the population is sharply declining
Bring the Xbox’s out! It’s time to retire from PC Halo on LAN until these crashes get sorted out, #1 priority after this weekend. Idk what it is but Xbox’s don’t crash as far as I know
This has got to be more rare than an heirloom right? I've opened over 5k packs most likely and never seen anything like this, what do I win @PlayApex besides more Seer skins??
Halo Infinite matchmaking makes me never want to play halo again
Absolute Decimation
This has GOT to be the most accurate clip of Season 8 ranked
Nerfed octane pad so you can hear it loud as day so they can release Ash where she can ult her whole team with 0 audio
Fuckin' some dudes
I really really appreciate the changes of spawning with white armor and meds, but can we please add a grey backpack to the starter pack and remove it from the loot pool 🙏
I know I have a lot of opinions when it comes to Apex but I want to give credit. Apex has without a doubt the best balance when it comes to weapons. Every gun can be viable, and the mechanical aspect/gunplay is what drew me to this game originally. Best BR out right now IMO
PC and controller players being able to coexist in a competitive game like Apex has to be one of the coolest things I’ve been a part of in esports, and can only help propel the game forward. Utilizing both the strengths and weakness of both inputs as a team is a skill in itself
About to have a 3 million dollar tournament and we only have 16/20 teams showing up for scrims, actually pathetic work ethic unless you have an extremely valid excuse
Trying to remove my own toxicity by using my mic in game for all of my solo/duo matches and it’s definitely improved the experience, but if you don’t pick up the ball and have least kills you’re still getting yelled at idgaf
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"Breathe it in"
1st place in the 50k Apex @OTKnetwork tournament with @Rambrro7 and @Renegade_JW, did you ever doubt us!?! Had so much fun competing in Apex again! GGs and thank you for the opportunity!