It was a pleasure to welcome a delegation of friends from the #SolomonIslands today, led by Minister Manele. Based on our shared values & past successes, #Taiwan looks forward to expanding bilateral cooperation for mutual benefit in agriculture, healthcare, & education.
#Taiwan has once again claimed the title of #U18WorldCup champions! Proud of these outstanding athletes & @ctba for their tireless dedication & love for the sport of baseball. #LetsGoTaiwan…
I teamed up with Tsai A-Ga (#蔡阿嘎) to welcome everyone to @CitiField in #NYC for the annual @Mets #TaiwanDay. #Taiwan & the #US share a passion for baseball, & nothing beats getting together with family & friends to cheer on our favourite team. #LGM #LetsGoTaiwan #LetsWin
Delighted that #ExpatInsider named #Taiwan the world’s No. 1 Expat Destination for 2019. Our welcoming people, family-friendly environment, & world-class convenience turn many short-term visitors into long-term residents who #LoveTaiwan as much as we do.…
京都アニメーションの放火事件後初めて、同社の新作 @Violet_Letterが公開されました。事件当日、@kyoani のアニメーターたちは、パラリンピック関連アニメの制作企画を準備していたそうです。2か月足らずで #京アニ と日本の皆様が勇気をもって再出発を遂げたことは、まさに感動すべき実話です。
Around the world, millions can attest that #Taiwan is a good friend in times of peace & #ATrueFriend in times of need. For decades, we have worked to forge a better world & a brighter future to achieve the #GlobalGoals, & Taiwan deserves a seat at the table to realize #UN4ALL.
I welcomed a delegation today from @AmChamTaipei, a vital link to one of our most valued trading partners. They provided insightful input about challenges & opportunities in #Taiwan-#US trade relations, as we work together to address changes in the global trade order.
Transnational drug crime requires transnational solutions, & those solutions took center stage at the 2019 International Forum on Police Cooperation. #Taiwan is working with many #IndoPacific countries to fight drug trafficking, & together we’re creating a safer, healthier world.
Out of concern for the situation in #HongKong, our administration is keeping a close eye on the latest developments & evaluating possible impacts. In light of recent events, I have issued 4 directives to all government agencies:
Design in #Taiwan has come a long way over the years, driving innovation & creating more inclusive spaces. Young designers, including Hsieh Yi-Cheng & Lin Chia Hsien, are leading this creative renaissance, and their works shone at this year’s International Design Awards.
Any experienced traveler knows that here in #Taiwan, we take our street delicacies seriously. I had the chance to play #foodie for a day at the famous Feng Chia Night Market, and the sights, sounds, & flavors did not disappoint!
Our outstanding military men & women are the #PrideOfTaiwan, & as #CommanderInChief, I was honoured to present commendations on Armed Forces Day. #Taiwan is grateful for their efforts to protect our sovereignty, promote regional peace, & preserve our democratic way of life.
Few people know the blood, sweat, & tears that these young students devote to mastering their crafts. Taiwan’s competitors came away with 5🥇, 5🥈, & 5🥉 at the @WorldSkills #Kazan 2019 Competition, coming in 4th out of 63 participating countries. Go #Taiwan! (照片:勞動部)
As #Taiwan prepares to host Asia’s only 10th anniversary @TEDx Weekend, I had the opportunity to meet the young people working behind the scenes to make this event happen. I look forward to seeing Taiwan’s creativity in action & hearing new #IdeasWorthSpreading.
Thank you @liberalinternat for all that you do for global gender equality, & for recognizing the crucial role #Taiwan plays in achieving this goal. As President, I will keep working to realize a day when #WomenInPolitics is more than a hashtag, it’s a fact of life.…
I was honoured to address the @AmericanLegion at their 101st National Convention, where we saluted a century of service to the preservation of liberty around the world, & celebrated the Legion’s unwavering support for #Taiwan. Full text: #ALconv2019
I was delighted to meet with #Mississippi Governor @PhilBryantMS today. #Taiwan & the Magnolia State are celebrating 36 years of sister state relations, and our discussions centered around areas for potential future cooperation including education, agriculture, & technology.
The #Penghu Islands off the coast of #Taiwan combine beautiful views and a unique maritime culture. My administration has worked to promote this emerging destination to international travelers, & this year’s Bay Light Festival & Penghu Cross-Sea Marathon are sure to amaze.
As President, I’m on the job 24/7, but even with a full schedule, I wanted to take the time to thank all of you on @Twitter for your support over the years.
Bella, Bunny, & Maru are here to say thank you to everyone for 500k!フォロワー50万人ありがとうございます!ベラ、バニーとマルも喜んでるワン🐶!我的狗狗們來跟各位追蹤者說聲謝謝!
We are forever indebted to those who sacrificed their lives to defend #Taiwan’s sovereignty back in 1958. Their spirit of unity is a reminder that we must come together like the heroes of yesterday, to protect our freedom & democracy today.
I want to thank the #US government for notifying the Congress of the sale of F-16V fighters to #Taiwan. We will continue to cooperate closely with the US on security issues, contribute to peace & stability in the Taiwan Strait, and safeguard our freedom & democracy.
#タピオカミルクティー と台湾ローカルグルメで、@mihara_teikoku@tomichan0330@junchan_daaa と一緒に台湾観光をPRしています。 日本の方がたくさん台湾に来て、美味しいローカルグルメと温かい人情を満喫してくださるよう願っています。
At today’s Ketagalan Forum: 2019 #AsiaPacific Security Dialogue, I highlighted #Taiwan’s increasing importance as a #BastionOfDemocracy in the region, & the need for like-minded countries to come together to face challenges to global freedom. Full speech: