🔥🔥FANNSTAR HOT TIME🔥🔥 STAR⭐️RACHA STAYS! These next 2 hours, 9:30pm-11:30pm KST: 🔥Goal: watch 4 ads/hour (gives 200 votes/hour) (set timer for every 10 min) 🔥⭐️Drop 200 stars (min/maximum for G+ pts & save extra for weekly reset drop) #FANNSTAR_RACHA #StrayKids
WE’RE BACK IN 1ST PLACE! ‼️careful when you vote, make sure you’re choosing Stray Kids! ‼️Widen the gap!! ‼️Hot time in 1 hour, we’ve got this STAY!! How to vote: bit.ly/3HYDwdX #StrayKids #WidenTheGay #FANNSTAR_RACHA
⭐️Trending Party starts NOW⭐️ Drop the tags to support & hype the FANNSTAR voting in any way you prefer! Let’s close & widen the gay again today! Less than 225k gap💗 STRAY KIDS OUR FOUR STARS #FANNSTAR_RACHA #StrayKids #스트레이키즈 #スキズ #FOURSTARKIDS #STAYxFANNSTAR
‼️IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ‼️ The narrative of The Fact Music Awards changing the name of the 2022 FOUR STAR Award last minute is false. The 100% fan vote award, where voting occurs via FANNSTAR app with 2 time periods (cumulative voting period & final youtu.be/Z4aGpPfe8lctwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Wow look at that growth Stay!! So many of you are voting & working so hard for SKZ to win this award! We know at times it can feel like you’re voting on your own or screaming into the abyss about voting but the numbers definitely do not lie-over 19 million votes were cast by… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
⭐️Trending Party starts NOW⭐️ Drop the tags to support & hype the FANNSTAR voting in any way you prefer! (Your fav meme, video, pics, bias, etc w/the tags) STRAY KIDS OUR FOUR STARS #FANNSTAR_RACHA #StrayKids #스트레이키즈 #FOURSTARKIDS #STAYxFANNSTAR
Hello stays We are collecting data for bb100 and next cb so If you are going to any concert or cupsleeves event or any kind of event in USA/PR Please dm us if u can print or share the QR code with other stays in concert or events It will really help as not everyone is on twt.
If you guys don't have PayPal You can find one trusted representative or fanbase from your country and send them money using local apps And they can forward the amount to us twitter.com/ProjectCASE100…
Manic performance on Jimmy Kimmel show has been uploaded to their YouTube channel Please watch it there Goal : 1M views in 24hrs youtu.be/vasKoGn3I4A
‼️ important ‼️ Those who are attending LA concerts We have prepared QR code templates to help with bb100 chart , please scan them and fill form for data collection. Our representatives will be there to give the codes please encourage other stays to scan specially those who are… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
🥁📢ATTENTION STAYS we are organizing streaming battles between different countries using @renaissanceapp ROUND 1 TEAM BRAZIL organizer @StrayKidsBrasil VS TEAM ARGENTINA organizer @StrayKidsArgFC pick your team and get ready to fight let's see who will win and go to round… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Stays please try to join these streaming battles We are contacting other fanbases too and slowly we are planning to cover most of the countries But it's only possible if you guys take interest in this and support our team and Fbs.
Calling all STAY to make @Stray_Kids the first 4th Generation to have an Album with 1 BILLION streams! Daily to do list: 1. Listen #INLIFE whole album top to bottom 🔗spotify.link/5cPxze5TMyb 2. Finish at least 2 focused playlist 3. Run overnight playlist when you sleep/busy… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Stays from France and Germany please join the streaming party to keep skz in Spotify top artist in your country ren.fm/XSTVKinbGfetVv… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Stays Please email the template and ask your friends to do this too twitter.com/skzsahyun/stat…
Stay let's email this template together! Email to: fan@jype.com jypbusiness@jype.com help_jyp@dear-u.co info@jype.com eng : docs.google.com/document/d/1-H… kr :docs.google.com/document/d/1-6… JYPE RESPOND TO STRAY KIDS FANS #JYPEDoBetterForSKZ @stay_support @Stray_Kids
#JYPEDoBetterForSKZ •Member safety & targeted harassment/sabotage •Album stock/distribution Worldwide & USA; promo on all SNS @RepublicRecords •Concerns regarding YT views/incorrectly flagging SKZ content •Provide M/V premiere & TT digital single @Stray_Kids @stay_support
planning your summer festival schedule? Stray Kids will be headlining at Lollapalooza Paris on July 21st! you should definitely pencil this headliner into your calendar ✏️
#JYPEDoBetterForSKZ •Member safety & targeted harassment/sabotage •Album stock/distribution Worldwide & USA; promo on all SNS @RepublicRecords •Concerns regarding YT views/incorrectly flagging SKZ content. •Provide M/V premiere & TT digital single @Stray_Kids @stay_support
‼️SUPERSTAR X SIGN UP‼️ Having trouble signing up for SUPERSTAR X app? Same but admins were able to figure it out with the help of Stays. Below are some tips: •type out county code & number in notes & then copy & paste it in the app (bc “+” is needed) •sign up within first 15… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Trending Party: Drop the tags! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Official CB date: 6/2/23 SKZ 5 STAR COMING SOON #5_STAR #StrayKids5STAR #5STARTrailerOutNow @Stray_Kids
Usa/pr stays please wait for restocks , do not buy from random k-pop stores it will not count towards billboard They will restock soon ,we still have 34 days
Stays are confused so we will explain pre-order thing in easy way For usa/pr stays Buy only from official stores and links provided by stray kids ( skzshop, target, Amazon , Barnes & nobles ) Only 4 albums per transaction , trying to use different stores, accounts and… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
🥰STAAAAAYYY, look at what incredible things we do when we all work together!! THIS ENERGY IS AMAZING!!! If you’re not here, please come join everyone!! 🔗: share.stationhead.com/lk3sigknuej8
We need as many STAY as possible!! Please continue to spread our streaming goals across all platforms especially for In Life!!🔥🔥🔥 ★ In Life 🔜 1B ★ Thunderous 🔜 400M ★ Gods Menu 🔜 500M twitter.com/skzchartdata/s…