ꘜ我叫老郭 | Lao Guo(@WJLGstories)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

This is super cuteee Haikal and Fahmi introduce themselves to each other Its's like kindergarten at their first day of school 😭😭😭
Additional rule : No faqing faqing in Bu Guru Kobo's class twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
The birth of Holostars KR gen 0 ww 5959우리아기리더배고파용~~~ twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Reason to watch Kobo [a thread] 1. Cute 2. Lil sister vibe 3. Her karaoke stream 😘👌🏻 4. Can compose songs 5. Hard worker 6. Her voice 7. Cebo 8. Cilus 9. Boost your motherly instinct 10. 'New to V-Tuber fans' friendly
アップロー幼稚園といっしょww #アステル誕生祭2023
Quote of the day 🤣🤣🤣
Magni Dezmond's skincare journey
My cutest precious wholesome bestest favorite siblings 😭😭😭
ここまじきゃわいい🥹 #ホロスタ4周年
I can't The new body too pretty