BibleBuild India FC 🇮🇳(@BibleBuildIND)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

This video of BBB: Bible and Build with Grey and how soft is grey with Biu!!! The smile of Bible as he sees them together! 🥹🖤💙 #BibleWichapas #BibleBuild #BuildJakapan #ไบเบิ้ลบิว
To chinese beyourluve's and bubble's! You are the strongest people who always give us hope during the tough times! Your support and your luve is something that always makes us smile! Thank you all 💙💙😇 VALENTINES LUVE WITH BUILD #520withBuild @JakeB4rever
BUBBLES happy list: 1️⃣ BIBLE liking BBB tweet 🆕 2️⃣ Pollypastel posting abt BBB artwork 3️⃣ D7 staff posting 4️⃣ Pastel creative posting abt BBB #BibleWichapas #BibleBuild #BuildJakapan #ไบเบิ้ลบิว
We have our ad today for MBK to celebrate our anniversary! I rly hope people can visit! Please post the videos and tag the boys! Let the boys know bubble's are here to stay! 💙🫂🖤 #1stBDayBBBtoBubbles 1st BUBBLES BIRTHDAY
Single digits here we come!!! We are making historyyyyy!!!! Cr. @Betty_Cooops #Buildfirstsoloconcert @JakeB4rever
*"The most valuable gift you can receive is an honest friend"* Good Morning ✨ EVERY SUMMER WITH YOU #AlwaysBibleBuild
He gives me energy, he gives me happiness thats why I am here!! What power do you get from Build? Reply below! #AllForBuild ALL FOR LUVE
The people who promised to not speak in English in the live are the same people who ONLY SPOKE IN ENGLISH the whole live!!! Minor Family is still the winner! 🤭 #ไบเบิ้ลพาต้ามาป้ายยาวิชี่ @biblesumett
Even though we have our goals, trust us in the end all that matters is that if bubbles had a good day & encouragment to fight for few more days! 🖤That is all that this tag is for💙. If bubbles are happy then FCs tag is successful! #AlwaysBibleBuild EVERY SUMMER WITH YOU
Lily brings calmness to oneself!! You being us calmness abd peace and happiness! 🖤🫰 PEACE LILY FOR BIBLE #BibleWichapas #bsumone @biblesumett
*"If you surround yourself with clowns, don’t be surprised when your life resembles a circus."* Good Morning ✨ #BibleWichapas #BibleBuild #BuildJakapan #ไบเบิ้ลบิว
Times are hard and honestly I don't know how to instill hope among but all I can say that everything will be okay! I wish I could hug you all and tell that it will be alright... You are rly the strongest! #4MINUTESxBIBLEBUILD #BibleBuild @biblesumett @JakeB4rever
แด่แฟนๆชาวไทยทุกท่านที่เป็นเสาหลักแห่งความแข็งแกร่งให้กับพวกเราทุกคน ขอบคุณที่อยู่ด้วยกันมาตลอด! เราเห็นป้ายบอกเวลา 4 นาทีที่คุณโพสต์อยู่เรื่อยๆ และเรารู้สึกซาบซึ้งใจ! เรารักคุณฟองอากาศไทยตลอดไป 💙🖤 #FromOneBubbletoAnother
🖤 TAG BOOSTER 5 💙 What language to you speak? Reply with tags, #AlwaysBibleBuild EVERY SUMMER WITH YOU
“And I start believing in forever the moment I saw the look in Bible and Build’s eyes. It’s more than respect, more than love, it screams eternity." 🔑 BIBLEBUILD 4EVER TOGETHER #️⃣ OnlyBibleBuild 🗓️ 23.04.2023 ⏰ 11:30 AM 🇮🇳 1PM 🇹🇭 #BibleBuild @biblesumett @JakeB4rever
Whatever the next station is, wherever the roads lead yout to! Always remember, there are gonna bubbles who will cheer you on the wait and wait for on the next station! You will always have us @biblesumett 🖤 STILL WITH BIBLE #LetsWalkTogetherBIBLE
In the end, home of bubbles is with Bible & Build 💙🖤. Goodnight 🫂 #BibleWichapas #BibleBuild #BuildJakapan #ไบเบิ้ลบิว
Today is indeed bubble's day! Please the amount of similarities 🥹🥹🥹!!! I have more hope because I saw so many more waiting for them & having hope for them! 💙🖤. #ฟองอากาศของไบเบิ้ลบิว #4MINUTESxBIBLEBUILD @JakeB4rever @biblesumett
New keyword for people to use: 4MINUTESXBBB SOON #4MINUTESxBIBLEBUILD
It is still on! 🫧. Dont worry! It will happen and people can go and check on 6th May.
*The greatest wealth is the wealth of relationships. Cherish those who love you and you will never be poor.* Goodnight ✨ Have a great year bubble's 💙🖤 Happy Anniversary once again! 🫂 #1stBDayBBBtoBubbles 1st BUBBLES BIRTHDAY
Lets never forget about Build's character as OAK! It was the most wholesome character and it was so cute and luvely!! I miss him so much! I will cry 🥹😭😭😭 #BuildTheTalentedActor THE BEST ACTOR BUILD
4MINUTES นำแสดงโดย ไบเบิ้ลบิว 4MINUTES นำแสดงโดย ไบเบิ้ลบิว 4MINUTES นำแสดงโดย ไบเบิ้ลบิว 4MINUTES นำแสดงโดย ไบเบิ้ลบิว 4MINUTES นำแสดงโดย ไบเบิ้ลบิว 4MINUTES นำแสดงโดย ไบเบิ้ลบิว 4MINUTES นำแสดงโดย ไบเบิ้ลบิว #4MINUTESxBIBLEBUILD #BibleBuild…
💙 TAG BOOSTER 💙 Build dancing or Build Singing Reply with tags, #BuildCameraDay CLICK WITH BUILD