BibleBuild India FC 🇮🇳(@BibleBuildIND)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Remember whatever happens, these are the words of BibleBuild themselves! Till they get back together, lets —TRUST BibleBuild and — Be their SAFE ZONES!! 💙🖤 Promise Bubbles! 🤚 #StayWithBibleBuild #BibleWichapas #BibleBuild #BuildJakapan #ไบเบิ้ลบิว…
The smile of Biu when Bible says he trusts him alot!! Moments like these makes everything worth it! 🥹😭 #1stBDayBBBtoBubbles 1st BUBBLES BIRTHDAY
*The greatest wealth is the wealth of relationships. Cherish those who love you and you will never be poor.* Good Night✨ #BibleWichapas #BibleBuild #BuildJakapan #ไบเบิ้ลบิว
Lets go back to the smiling moment's!!! It was beautiful, lovely and made so much happiness to us! 💙 #BuildJakapan @Buildbuilddd #เจ้าแป๊ะยิ้ม #Beyourluve
Healing photo of the day! Biu smiling photo! You have no idea how much this heals me! He is happy, he is doing well! 🥹😭💙 #BuildJakapan @JakeB4rever #เจ้าแป๊ะยิ้ม #ฟองอากาศของไบเบิ้ลบิว
He is learning chinese i think bcoz he spoke little little chinese!! My baby 🥹💙🫂 #Buildfirstsoloconcert @JakeB4rever
WE JUST BOOKED OUR BOOTH!!!!!! OUR BOOTH WILL HAPPEN! IT IS CONFIRMED!!!! BUILD WAIT FOR USSSSS!!! 😭😭!! #BuildJakapan @JakeB4rever #เจ้าแป๊ะยิ้ม #ฟองอากาศของไบเบิ้ลบิว
Our boss! Our CEO! Our luve! Our happiness! He is back!!!🖤💙 #BIU100KZUZAA @JakeB4rever
Now can we please ask for a online concert!! We want to see the concert luve!!! Please Build!! 🥹🥹 #Buildfirstsoloconcert @JakeB4rever
Do not let her get into your skin! If she does, she will win!! Please do not focus!! Its very hard but most important!! R & B her, do not share her tweets, don't give her attention!! Please, im begging you!! 🙏😭!! We need to be together & strong for Biu! Please May starts tom!
From today onwards, we will hype about 4 Minutes each day! This is only for Bubble's and now that everything is sorted out we got tons of DMs yesterday. You can hype when ever you want, now it shouldn't be a problem! I hope all can be kind towards us. #4MINUTESxBIBLEBUILD
SOLD OUT CONCERT IS NEAR!!!! DREAM IS ABT TO TURN REALITY!!!! ITS HAPPENING!!!!😭😭 Cr. @Betty_Cooops #Buildfirstsoloconcert @JakeB4rever
WEIBO UPDATE - Bsumettikul柏博🖤 ”May my love always be with you Happy 520! I love you. 🖤🖤” #BibleWichapas #bsumone @biblesumett #ฟองอากาศของไบเบิ้ลบิว
Lets just trust the process! Its gonna be alright! Remember the lives are different right now! Lets be patient and wait for the time! 🖤💙. Its all gonna work out if we all are beside them! #BibleWichapas #BibleBuild #BuildJakapan #ไบเบิ้ลบิว
BIBLE IS THE WINNER OF YOUNG MAN OF THE YEAR!!! Congratulations na Bible, congratulations on your award! I am so proud of you na!! You are the best person!! 🖤😇 BIBLE AT KAZZ AWARDS 2023 #KAZZAWARDS2023 #BibleWichapas @biblesumett #4MINUTESxBIBLEBUILD
Do you imagine, a person who have been through so much, is going to come back with a solo concert from his own COMPANY. Do you see the power, this is the man, who knows his fans r with him! Who trust him! Got his side! This is for 🫧& byls!! 💙🔥🫂 #TheRebornBuild @JakeB4rever
What is happening! I mean... Im not able to understand but Bible's smile... 🥹😭 #PastelGetFreshxBible @biblesumett
Every day is a new challenge but remember every challenge has a solution. As bubble's wait patiently, let us wait to the day we can see our boys together 🥹💙🖤. BIBLEBUILD 4EVER TOGETHER #OnlyBibleBuild
In conclusion, Today is the day for Bubble's and Beyourluve's.💙 #BuildJakapan @JakeB4rever
Build's sister's IG, Emotional from the start of the day!!! This is so adorable🥹💙. He has all the gifts that fans send him💗 #BuildJakapan @JakeB4rever #เจ้าแป๊ะยิ้ม #ฟองอากาศของไบเบิ้ลบิว
Mark the date!! It is the happiest day of my life!!! Biu is back! He is back! He said he will fight!n HE IS HERE!!!😭😭😭 #BuildIsBack #BuildJakapan #Beyourluve
This is so pretty!!!! Please!!! 🖤💙. Blue & Black matches rly well! #PastelXBibleLive @biblesumett
Amongst all people, this is the man I trust the most. He said one day that "The storms shall disappear". He knew we all needed to hear! I cannot thank you enough for being my pillar of strength. I will always, freakig always support you!🖤 #BibleWichapas @biblesumett
BUBBLES happy list: 1️⃣ BIBLE liking BBB tweet 🆕 2️⃣ Pollypastel posting abt BBB artwork 3️⃣ D7 staff posting 4️⃣ Pastel creative posting abt BBB #BibleWichapas #BibleBuild #BuildJakapan #ไบเบิ้ลบิว