Stream Notice📢 I’ll be collabing with the one and only Pomu Senpai 🍂 ​ Apparently there’s a SSR character that’s about to hit the stage✨ Join us and see what Planet Eruthyll has to offer🥰 ~APRIL 10th 11AM JST~ ❤️‍🩹…❤️‍🩹 #Higan #Eruthyll #PR
freaking aster doesnt know sanrio >:o
Goodnight ^^
I made a cafe for myself! Now it's time to do lineart and colouring ;; For the artists who drew maid art/cafe assets would you mind if I used your art for this background?
Brain expanding 🧠
Aaaaaaaaaaaa tomorrow…
Thank you for helping me come up with a bunch of fun greetings!!! Mari~ ring! Mari~ ring! And all together ✨ MARIRING ❤️‍🩹🐰 What can I say I am just a 天才的なアイドル様♪
マリリン❤️‍🩹 ILUNAのプロマイドがファミマプリント様より、8/15の10:00~から販売開始となります! ファミリーマート店内のマルチコピー機で購入可能ですので、可愛いILUNAメンバーたちのブロマイド♡ 是非みてみてください! #PR #ファミマプリント…
Moe moe kyun ✨
Waiting Room for tomorrows Collab stream~ 12PM JST | 11PM EST | 3AM GMT…
Thank you for all the pink hearts in the chat TT
I touched concrete today
Goodnight ❤️‍🩹
Collab with @Petra_Gurin :DDD Here's the waiting room ^^ 12PM JST| 11PM EST | 3AM GMT
Trying to work on my pronunciation for my K-pop karaoke stream that’s coming up 😵‍💫
Mostly true? 🤔
ok but ngl I've always wanted an omanjyu cuz of how squishy they look so I guess now is the chance to get one and squish my own face :D
I just noticed how pink my bed is My pillow, blanket and bedsheets all pink ☺️
Schedule for the week~ (26Dec-01Jan) Approaching 2023!!!! omg the year went by so fast General: #MariaMarionette Live: #MariOnAir Art: #MariArt NSFW: #MariLewd Assets: #MariAssets Memes: #Memettes Thumbnails: #Thumbnettes Clips: #Clippetts Other Timezones in Replies!!
@shxtou Sir I am a doll Can you imagine a doll that’s 2metres tall in the middle of the night?