Random sketch
Goodmorning ❤️‍🩹
A few extra days off this week! Schedule for the week~ (Aug 29-Sep 4th) General: #MariaMarionette Live: #MariOnAir Art: #MariArt NSFW: #MariLewd Assets: #MariAssets Memes: #Memettes Thumbnails: #Thumbnettes Clips: #Clippetts
Watching nijimelody while doing some chores 🙏 blessed
Goodmorning ❤️‍🩹
Gonna have nijimelody relay on in the background as I sleep 😴 Goodnight ❤️‍🩹
I love seffyna senpais singing so much 😭
#NIJIMelodyTime literally ascending 🙏😇
#NIJIMelodyTime virtual to live always makes me emotional 🥹
Waiting room for tomorrow ✨💕 7PM JST | 2AM EST | 6AM GMT youtu.be/s1tr5dMV778
Those who know know ✨D A D D Y✨
Enna senpais banner 😂
Goodnight marippets ❤️‍🩹 Beeg love
マリアちっと熱っぽいやばー Maria a little feverish (‘: I’ll let you know about tomorrows stream when I wake up 🙇‍♀️ might have to postpone to the next day or something
つけ麺食べたぞ I ate tsukemen :D
Omg the kabedon #Oliver3D
Gonna Watch Oliver-sensei's 3D reveal and eat a bit of food then do some Supa thanking and chatting!!! Stream in 3 hrs from this tweet ^^ youtu.be/iWURXLCxMWc
First Karaoke Waiting Room!!! 7PM JST | 6AM EST | 10AM GMT youtu.be/PrCyWtJ_6VM