His name is #BehnamLayeghpour a 37 y/o tattoo artist in Rasht Iran. On Sep 21, he participated in a protest in response to the killing of #MahsaAmini He was killed in front of his girlfriend by #IRGCterrorists . This is a clear evidence that IRGC is a terrorist organization.
2020 3 January 2020 The Islamic Centre of England, a UK-registered charity, hosts a vigil for Qassem Suleimani, the Quds Force commander killed in a US drone strike that day. Suleimani – a designated terrorist in the UK – is praised as a “great martyr”.#IRGCterrorists
September 2019 Rouhollah Zam, a dissident Iranian journalist and head of a popular news site, is kidnapped and transferred to Iran by the IRGC and later sentenced to death. #IRGCterrorists @katarinabarley @UdoBullmann @delarabur @MattEcke @IsmailErtug @EuropaJens @berndlange
به هیچ وجه فوتبالو از صدا و سیما نبینید چون اینکار خیانته به همه کسایی که تا الان جونشونو گذاشتن برای این انقلاب بازی رو از کانال های خارجی ترکی، عربی، المانی و غیره ببینید لینک‌های پخش‌ زنده افتتاحیه جام جهانی: Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4 #ENGIRN #Qatar2022
Khamenei's mercenaries threaten people by creating fear and terror with insulting words such as: “Make a revolution motherf*ckers.” and and aerial fire. This is the true behavior of these criminals with the people of Iran. #IRGCterrorists #MahsaAmini
#R2PforIran The Islamic Republic of Iran wants to execute #Majidreza_Rahnoord on Saturday in Mashhad on the charge of killing two Basijs without holding a trial. #مهسا_امینی
She’s #KatayounRiahi, an Iranian actress, bravely took off her scarf, criticized the killing of #MahsaAmini on Sep 18. Later she was kidnapped by #IRGCterrorists ,we have no news about her and her condition We’re deeply worried about her.
#DonyaFarhadi's dead body was found in the karun river, after few of missing in December She got into verbal conflict with #IRGCterrorists and in conclusion she was shot dead by them !!
8 January 2020 The IRGC launches 13 ballistic missiles at two military bases in Iraq, Ain al-Asad and Erbil, which host US and Coalition forces. 110 US troops are diagnosed with and treated for traumatic brain injuries from the attack. #IRGCterrorists @katarinabarley @delarabur
۱۶ ژانویه‘ حرکت اتوبوس‌‌ها از هلند، میلان، برلین، تورین به سمت استراسبورگ. #مهسا_امینی #MahsaAmini
4 January 2021 The IRGC seizes a South Korea-flagged oil tanker in the waters of the Persian Gulf in an attempt to force Seoul to free billions in frozen assets. #IRGCterrorists @katarinabarley @UdoBullmann @delarabur @MattEcke @IsmailErtug @EuropaJens @berndlange
ثرد به زبان انگلیسی، آلمانی و فرانسوی برای #سمیرم تارگت‌ها : @UNHumanRights @UN @CNN @BBCBreaking @FRANCE24 @SPDtweets @YeOne_Rhie
وقت غم نیست. وقت پا به پای مهاباد جنگیدنه. #مهسا_امینی
seven year-old #HastiNarouyi was shot in the head w/ a teargas cartridge, only to inhale enough toxic fumes and suffocate at the hands of Islamic regime. @UNICEF #MahsaAmini
افراد داغ فراخوان توییت می‌کنن و فراخوان ۳ آذر رو به اسمشون اضافه می‌کنن. #مهسا_امینی
4 January 2021 The IRGC seizes a South Korea-flagged oil tanker in the waters of the Persian Gulf in an attempt to force Seoul to free billions in frozen assets. #IRGCterrorists @katarinabarley @UdoBullmann @delarabur @MattEcke @IsmailErtug @EuropaJens @berndlange
تجمع مقابل شریف و تجمع مقابل بیمارستان دی، جان بچه‌‌های شریف و جان حسین رونقی رو نجات داد؛ با رعایت نکات ایمنی و پوشوندن صد درصدی خودتون و قراردادن گوشی‌هاتون روی حالت پرواز، اگر امکانش رو دارید، تجمع مقابل زندان رجایی‌شهر. #محمد_بروغنی #محمد_قبادلو
There are disturbing reports that #HassanFirouzi is in a coma from the torture inflicted on him since his voice message from prison got out and his family have been secretly taken to see him. Murder in custody is silent in #Iran, numbers growing by the day #StopExecutionsInIran
📍آدرس محل تجمع؛ کرج، رجایی شهر(گوهر دشت)، بلوار موذن. نگذاریم دو نفر دیگه از ما کم بشود! #مهسا_امینی
People of #Khoy have lost their houses and are now living on streets under snowy weather. Reports say that seven people are dead and over eight hundred people are injured #IRGCterrorists #IranRevolution
This is #FatemehSepehri, a courageous human rights activist, has been in jail for like 3 months. In solidarity with #IranRevolution , she bravely & publicly speaks against Khamenei & #IRGCterrorists She’s always been the voice of Iranian people
En Javanrud, Piranshahr, etc., están utilizando balas de guerra, gas hexacloroetano (provoca graves trastornos en el sistema nervioso) y otras armas de guerra contra los manifestantes. Seamos la voz del pueblo kurdo. #MahsaAmini
مجارستان:@HungaryintheEU اسپانیا:@jmalbares ایتالیا:@Antonio_Tajani آلمان:@ABaerbock فرانسه:@MinColonna سوئد:@TobiasBillstrom قبرس:@IKasoulides یونان:@NikosDendias بلژیک:@hadjalahbib رومانی:@BogdanAurescu بلغارستان:@MFABulgaria لوکزامبورگ:@MFA_Lu هلند:@WBHoekstra
ماسک بزن هموطن. ویروس جمهوری اسلامی کشنده‌‌ست! باید ماسک بزنی. دست خالی؟ نمیریم. چرا؟ چون وقتی یکی بهت حمله می‌کنه باید جوری بزنیش که بفهمه دیگه نباید سمتت بیاد. لباس رنگی پنگی و اینا هم نمی‌پوشیم. چون ویروس جمهوری اسلامی رو لباسهای رنگی می‌شینه. مواظب خودت باش. واضح؟ #مهسا_امینی