کارکنان شرکت بهمن دیزل به اعتصابات سراسری پیوستند.
در مترو تجمع نمیکنیم!
چرا؟ چون محیط بستهاست و احتمال دستگیر شدنمون بالاست.
به اندازهای که نشر خبر در توییتر اهمیت داره، به همون اندازه در اینستا و تلگرام اهمیت داره.
کل ایران باید از فراخوان مطلع باشند.
از فراخوان دستی و پرینت غافل نشیم که اهمیت بالایی داره.
مواظب خودتون باشید.
طرح چاپ فراخوان
طرح چاپ برای فراخوان
افراد داغ فراخوان توییت میکنن و فراخوان ۳ آذر رو به اسمشون اضافه میکنن.
ترندینگ ساعت ۶ و ۱۰ شب رو باید همه بدونن.
ویروسی کنید و توی اکانتهای خودتون توییت کنید.
به شدت مهمه.
بچه ها فردا سلزمان ملل واسه ایران جلسه برگزار میکنه و تا فردا وقت داریم #R2PforIran رو ترند کنیم
خیلی مهمه
همگی متن انگلیسی توی ثرد رو منشن کنین
The people of Iran need the immediate intervention of the international community.
A government should not kill its own people and justify this oppression with "sovereignty" and principles such as "non-interference" and "equality of governments".
I demand a @UN resolution to start a Peacekeeping Operation in Iran.
Based on the Responsibility to Protect (#R2PforIran) international community must immediately intervene and stop genocide in Iran..
The people of Iran need the immediate intervention of the international community.
A government should not kill its own people and justify this oppression with "sovereignty" and principles such as "non-interference" and "equality of governments".
I demand a @UN resolution to start a Peacekeeping Operation in Iran.
Based on the Responsibility to Protect (#R2PforIran) international community must immediately intervene and stop genocide in Iran.
The terrorists of IRGC have used various types of chemical gases on the Kurdish civilians in the city of Javanrud and Piranshahr. This is a war crime. This is a crime against humanity. Why is the international community silent? What happened to #R2PforIran ?
توییت برای هستی نارویی.
به شدت مهمه و همه توییتش کنید.
باید دنیا ببینه چه اتفاقی داره توی ایران رخ میده و تنها روش مطلع کردنشون همین توییتهای انگلیسیه.
seven year-old #HastiNarouyi was shot in the head w/ a teargas cartridge, only to inhale enough toxic fumes and suffocate at the hands of Islamic regime.
Hasti -"life” in Farsi, was a few days short of seven years, when she was shot in the head in #Zahedan.
Let the world know how IR is a regime that has no shame in killing her.
Best I know, she was hit in the head with tear gas and lost her life due to suffocation.
Shame on @UNICEF for just watching innocent kids getting killed by IRGC in #Iran everyday‼️
seven year-old #HastiNarouyi was shot in the head with teargas cartridge and suffocated from inhaling toxic fumes in Zahedan. Be their voice‼️
How many innocent kids must be murdered before you speak out? Look at her pic! She should have been in school now,but she was killed in Zahedan! Your eyes are still moving away from her eyes, are not you? You still have your hands on your ears, do not you?! #HastiNarouyi
One week before her 7th birthday, our beautiful innocent Baluch babygirl, #HastiNarouyi was killed by Islamic regime by suffocation caused by tear gas in Zahedan, Iran.
This little angel is #HastiNarouyi, a 7-year-old girl, murdered by the Islamic Republic terrorists in the #BloodyFriday of Zahedan. The IR is an occupying regime, not the legitimate representative of Iran. A genocide is happening in Iran. Be our voice.
#HastiNarouyi was murdered by the Islamic regime on the bloody Friday of Zahedan, 8 days before she turned 7 years old.
She was from a very unprivileged family. It took almost 2 months for the news to spread.
#IranRevolution2022 #MahsaAmini
A little girl who instead of playing with her toys was killed by the Islamic Republic 8 days before her seventh birthday.
This girl's name is #HastiNarouyi, who was killed in the Zahedan genocide
The Islamic Republic is committing one of the biggest crimes of the last century
a girl who went outside the house to pray with her grandmother, and the officers of the Islamic Republic shot, a tear gas bullet also hit the head of #HastiNarouyi. She was killed eight days before his seventh birthday.
This is just a small part of what is happening in Iran.
مهم نیست چی بشه، کی چی میگه، پورن کی پخش میشه، کی فتوا میده و کی میخواد تفرقه بندازه.
ما حواسمون پرت نمیشه.
ما به هیچ وجه حواسمون پرت میشه.
چرا؟ چون میخوایم سرنوشت ایران رو رقم بزنیم.