hololive production (English)(@hololivepro_EN)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

[Japanese Ver.]
Are you enjoying the #holoTEMPUS debuts? They'll have their 1st collab stream later! Their original song and debut celebration merch will be released during it! Stay tuned!! ⏰11 PM PST | 4 PM JST 📺youtu.be/66FbH1PimW0 twitter.com/hololivepro_EN…
Get ready to watch @ceresfauna’s new outfit reveal stream! It will start in 2 hours!🌿🎀 📅4 PM PST | 9 AM JST 📺youtu.be/-9qaEobN5-8 #CeresFauna #holoCouncil #hololiveEN #FaunasFashion
Thank you for visiting Kiara & Bae's stage at #SeoulPOPCON today!🐔🎲 We hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to share your memories with @takanashikiara and @hakosbaelz using the hashtag #hololiveMeet!
Did you enjoy BINGO? Stay tuned for Day2 of #holoTEMPUS's debut with Ollie (@kureijiollie), Baelz (@hakosbaelz), and A-chan (@achan_UGA)! youtu.be/Y_8NBITAdgM It starts at 5:45 PM on July 23 PST! See you tomorrow!! #Syrios_Debut #Vesper_Debut
Only 2 weeks left to Mori Calliope (@moricalliope) Major Debut Concert "New Underworld Order" Blu-ray release! Who will get it?💀 Pre-order➡️lnk.to/MC_NUO #MoriCalliope #hololiveEN #holoMyth
Who will be given the title of "the largest brain"...?🧠🏆 Make it to @gawrgura's class before the first bell! It starts in 1 hour! 🔗youtu.be/B_JOXosJVNo [Classmates] @ninomaeinanis @irys_en @ourokronii @nanashimumei_en @hakosbaelz @kureijiollie
EN Dead by Daylight collab starts in 1 hour!! Guess who the best KILLER and SURVIVOR are...! -Member- Calliope @moricalliope Kronii @ourokronii Baelz @hakosbaelz Altare @regisaltare Vesper @noirvesper_en -POV- 💀youtu.be/x_AmcAqxbh4 🎇youtu.be/J8Y3t6m32D0
#IRyS and #holoCouncil collab stream will start in 1 hour! What is going to happen...? #BEEGsmols youtube.com/watch?v=bFjuKh…
✈️#hololiveMeet NY ✈️ Thank you for visiting the hololive production booth at Anime NYC today! Did you enjoy the sessions by @watsonameliaEN and @ourokronii? Tomorrow, @moricalliope, @takanashikiara, and @ceresfauna will make guest appearances. Don’t miss out!
Our HOPE is back! With big news...?!?👀 Don't miss out! 📅Nov 23, 5 PM PST | 10 AM JST (+1Day) 📺youtu.be/mx1tixhhAPo #IRyS #hololiveEN
"どりーみんチュチュ / Dreamin Chuchu" covered by @takanashikiara and @watsonameliaEN has passed 2M views! Be addicted to this sweet song like a chocoholic🍫 🎧youtu.be/vjBZzYN3aAs #TakanashiKiara #WatsonAmelia #holoMyth #hololiveEN
Get ready for @irys_en’s New Year’s outfit reveal! It will start soon!💎👘 #IRyS #ProjectHOPE #hololiveEN #NewKimonoRyS twitter.com/irys_en/status…
Thank you for visiting @takanashikiara, @hakosbaelz, @magnidezmond, and @noirvesper_en's shows at #AnimeBoston23! We hope you had a wonderful time with them! Let us know how you enjoyed them using the hashtag #hololiveMeet!
✈️#hololiveMeet NY✈️ Check out the popular hololive Meet merchandise at @AnimateUSA's booth! Get your hands on many of the fan favorites from (this past) summer! What's more! There are new products of our ambassadors! Don't miss a chance to grab your favorite! #AnimeNYC
A talk show with #TsukumoSana and #HakosBaelz will start soon! Are you at the venue? Then please come watch! #hololiveMeet #holoEN #smashcon
MAFIA by @ourokronii has passed over 500K views! Be addicted to her deep and electrifying voice💙 twitter.com/ourokronii/sta…
How many times has Ina said, "WAH"?🐙 See the link to check the answer! 🔗youtube.com/watch?v=UmdK1N… #NinomaeInanis #hololiveEN #VTuber
[#holoMyth New Song Delay] The release of the new song from holoMyth, Non-Fiction, has been delayed. We'll let you know when the updated release schedule is, so hang tight! We apologize for the inconvenience.
Our new video, The "S" in "ASMR" Does Not Mean "Styrofoam", has been released! 🎬youtu.be/ysAIQmDWguI Share your thoughts with #holoEN3DRepeat! And look out for a new re-enactment every other Friday!
New adventure starts here... Follow #holoTEMPUS into an unknown world! [Debut Stream Archive] 🎇Altare: youtu.be/9m2Gzca26I8 🧤Dezmond: youtu.be/H-8u6VPH92k ⛓Axel: youtu.be/JRTOfhbdbn0 📗Vesper: youtu.be/SBQtnouQqgY 🧭1st collab stream: youtu.be/vKUAtIT1O9s
Thank you for coming to see our talents at #AFASG2022! How was the karaoke session by @moricalliope and @gawrgura? Share your #hololiveMeet experiences with the hashtag!
The pre-order for Mori Calliope's birthday merch will end soon! Grab the complete set to get a postcard with a duplicated foil-stamped autograph of @moricalliope!💀 📅Until May 8th, 2 AM PDT | 6 PM JST 🛒shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/mo… #happymoriday #holoMyth
Only 1 week left till the release of @moricalliope's 1st major album #SINDERELLA!💀💿 Who grabbed the limited special edition? Not yet? Don't worry! The limited edition is still available for preorder! Check it out! 🛒shop.moricalliopeofficial.com #MoriCalliope #holoMyth #hololiveEN