⛓️SCHEDULE UPDATE⛓️ ▶▶▶WEEK OF 3.6 - 3.12◀◀◀ Schedules are back on the menu baby!!!🧡 *Not listen on the schedule but will be doing a couple of APEX guerrillas this and there*
【STREAM INFO】 Sighhhhhh.....💀 12:30PM JST | 19:30PM PST | 22:30PM EST Waiting room : youtube.com/live/MNtIXL0gB…
【STREAM INFO】 THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN!!! Gonna be participating in Shibu Hal Custom tonight w/ Altare and Rpr!!! WE'RE GONNA BE FUCKING SUM DOOOOODS (again) 20:00PM JST | 03:00AM PST | 06:00AM EST Waiting room : youtube.com/live/k2AX6o3iZ…
Good Morninggg!!! I'm gonna be playing Super Bunny Man today with Hakka in about 2 hours time so make sure to tune in!!! Waiting room : youtube.com/live/2gZdDlwxf…
Lil Axel Holland leak here but god damn, Magni's singing is fucking good man👌
Here's my team members for V-Saikyo!!! Gonna F- some dudes🫡 Just waiting on confirmation for our last team member😌!!! #V最協S5
【STREAM INFO】 I've been cookin recently Waiting room: youtube.com/live/zO8C0tLgY…
【STREAM INFO】 TIME TO PRACTICE SOME APEX W DA DRAGON!!! Will be hosting an APEX custom lobby room so please feel free to participate after reading the rules in the description!!! Waiting room : youtube.com/live/Uli0DP4Xv…
あ、今日の配信で3人目のメンバー発表します。 Gonna reveal the third member later in today’s stream. Will be participating as a full team in tomorrow’s practice custom. Gonna fuck some doods again🫡
【STREAM INFO】 孤独な、、、Silhouette、、、動き出せば、、、それは紛れもなく奴さぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁ😘 ご紹介しましょう、うちの最後のメンバーを!!! Our final member will be revealed soon😇 Waiting room : youtube.com/live/-EPJHsAky…
こちらV最協のチームメンバーです! アクセル・シリオス⛓️ セレン・龍月🏆 - @Selen_Tatsuki リージス・アルテア🎇 - @regisaltare V最協初のフルENチームとして頑張ります!! 絶対爪痕残します。 #V最協S5
Here is our V-Saikyo team members!!! Axel Syrios ⛓️ Selen Tatsuki 🏆 - @Selen_Tatsuki Regis Altare 🎇 - @regisaltare As the first all EN team in V-Saikyo we'll do our best!!! We're here to make a statement💪 #V最協S5
【STREAM INFO】 Our first Team Practice in about 30 minutes!!! 初顔合わせ配信でっっっっす❕❕ Waiting room : youtube.com/live/2vKBrdUXc…
【STREAM INFO】 You know what time it is🙃🙃🙃 Waiting room : youtube.com/live/cGpN0uC6t…
Wassup yalls!!! TODAY IS THE BIG DAY!!! Hakka, Flayon and myself will be doing a hololive SUPER EXPO 2023 tour stream later today!!! Make sure to come check it out!!! Waiting room : youtube.com/live/aijBCkQi_… #ひろがるホロライブDAY2
【STREAM INFO】 A cheeky little late night chat with the axelotls!!! Waiting room : youtube.com/live/e0RffX25U…
⛓️SCHEDULE UPDATE⛓️ ▶▶▶WEEK OF 3.20 - 3.26◀◀◀ As V-Saikyo gets closer, there'll be more APEX custom guerrillas!!! They are usually hosted around 9PM JST!!!
【STREAM INFO】 Some more APEX!!!! Waiting room : youtube.com/live/mwYPBlOD4…
Well, Team Snake Bite it is 🫂
As, Selen announced, please welcome our V-Saikyo coach @oh_Nocturnal!!! Can’t wait to put in some work baby!!🫡
Ayo!?👀 See yalls at the con!!! Im super excited to meet you guys😘 Huge shout-out to Momocon for hosting us!! twitter.com/MomoCon/status…
【STREAM INFO】 TEAM TSB HERE TO FK SOME DOODS!!! Waiting room : youtube.com/live/oAB7o7Bz1…