Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty(@WoLongOfficial)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Dong Zhuo, courtesy name Zhongying, was a general & politician hailing from Lintao County of Longxi Commandery. He took advantage of the political turmoil between the eunuchs of the Emperor & its opposing forces to seize control of the court, putting a new emperor into place
#WoLongFallenDynasty will have a playable demo available Feb.24th for #XboxOne, #XboxSeries X|S & the Microsoft store! Your save file will be transferable to the final game available on 3.3.23! Download Feb. 24th & explore the dark Three Kingdoms on @Xbox! Demo ends March 26th
In certain battlefields, other players may launch an invasion into your battlefield. Opponents whose strategies cannot be easily read will be tricky opponents so don't let your guard down. #WoLongFallenDynasty #WoLong
3/3発売『Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty』体験版2/24配信!(PS5/4、Xbox series X|S/One、Steam、MSストア) 戦乱で荒れ妖魔蔓延る三国志の世界を、名もなき義勇兵として戦い抜きます。 #ウォーロン の世界を垣間見る1stトレーラー、体験版プレイ前にぜひご覧ください! #WoLong youtube.com/watch?v=79tDXW…
Create a unique look for your Battle Flag! Customize your flag with several colors & a large selection of symbols. Make your flag represent a piece of you & let friends see it when they enter your battlefield. Make several flags & also save them as presets. #WoLongFallenDynasty
Happy Valentine's Day from 食鉄獣【Shitieshou】🐼♥️🍫 Demo coming 2/24! #WoLong #ウォーロン #WoLongFallenDynasty #ValentinesDay #バレンタイン #バレンタインデー
There is a Hidden Village full of kind people to interact with and serves as a central hub for the player. You can speak to the Blacksmith or see if someone needs help with any tasks. You can also make preparations before traveling back to the battlefield. #WoLongFallenDynasty
Build up your alliances with warriors by calling them for reinforcements. Growing the level of your oath to them may rewards you with their favorite equipment. #WoLongFallenDynasty
Tips for wizardry in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. Wood is destructive to Earth. Fire is destructive to Metal. Water is destructive to Fire. Metal is destructive to Wood. Earth is destructive to Water. Use each phase wisely. #WoLongFallenDynasty
‼️ATTENTION‼️ How to download #WoLongFallenDynasty Demo on Feb 24th: ✔ Must have internet connectivity ✔ No online subscription or registration needed ✔ Search, find & download from your preferred gaming platform store. ✔ Play demo. ✔ Share this tweet. (Optional🐲)
3/3発売『Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty』体験版2/24配信! (PS5/4、Xbox series X|S/One、Steam、MSストア) 体験版では #ウォーロン の醍醐味、中国武術を駆使した剣戟アクションや、三國死にゲーに相応しい妖魔との死闘を体験可能! それらを紹介した2ndトレーラーもご覧下さい! youtube.com/watch?v=1AtM71…
The final Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty demo is coming this week! We have something plan for those that download the demo of the game. Make sure to stay tuned later this week for the details! #WoLongFallenDynasty
#WoLong 発売記念生放送】3/2 21:00~ ゲスト: 平成ノブシコブシ吉村 崇さん、おついちさん MC:松嶋初音さん 解説:安田と山際 #ウォーロン プロデューサー 「ダーク三國死にゲー」を前に、ゲストの皆さんは生き残れるのか! その死闘の結末をぜひご覧ください!⚔️ teamninja-studio.com/wolong/jp/news…
3/3発売『Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty』体験版は明後日2/24配信! (PS5/4、Xbox series X|S/One、Steam、MSストア) #ウォーロン の戦闘では“氣勢”の駆け引きや、相手の攻撃を受け流して攻守を逆転する“化勁”が重要です。ぜひ公式サイトの情報を死闘に役立てて下さい!#WoLong teamninja-studio.com/wolong/jp/syst…
3/3発売『Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty』体験版は明日2/24配信!(PS5/4、Xbox series X|S/One、Steam、MSストア) #ウォーロン では三国志の英傑や道士姿の女性"紅晶"など様々な人物が物語を彩ります。体験版に挑む前に、ぜひ物語の一端に触れるストーリートレーラーをご覧下さい youtube.com/watch?v=hRPmZu…
🐉Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Demo. ⌚Arrives in less than a day. 🧙Wizardry. 🥋Martial Arts. ⚔️The tightest of combat. 🐲Dark Three Kingdoms. 👀Are you even ready though? #WoLongFallenDynasty #TeamNINJAStudio #Xbox #PlayStation #STEAM #MicrosoftStore #PC
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Launch Trailer! Watch the dark Three Kingdoms infested with demons, but from the depths of darkness, a dragon soars. Game Available 3.3.23! Pre-order available now! Demo Available now! Info - teamninja-studio.com/wolong/ #WoLongFallenDynasty #TeamNINJAStudio
Get a chance to try out Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty before official release next week. Demo is available now on Xbox One, Xbox Series Consoles, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Steam & Microsoft Store! Transfer your save file to the final game! Demo ends March 26th! #WoLongFallenDynasty
体験版配信記念【#ウォーロンアドバイスCP 】 本日開始!オリジナルTシャツを10名様に進呈 <参加方法> ①@WoLongOfficialをフォロー ②#ウォーロンアドバイスCP をつけ #WoLong 体験版or製品版で撮影したプレイ動画orスクリーンショット&攻略のアドバイスをツイート 詳細↓ teamninja-studio.com/wolong/jp/demo…
#ウォーロン 体験版&ローンチトレーラー配信開始! 物語序盤2ステージを一足早くプレイでき、セーブデータを製品版に引き継げる体験版。 探求、生存、死闘。キーワードと共に本作の魅力を詰め込んだローンチトレーラー。 両方チェックして 3月3日の発売に備えよ! 高画質版 youtu.be/PpEofrhG6Fo
We are 5 days away from the official release of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty! Pre-order the game today and get your squad ready! Game - teamninja-studio.com/wolong/ #WoLongFallenDynasty
Watch as the producer of Wo Long Fallen Dynasty, Fumihiko Yasuda, goes through the final demo & shares some helpful tips to help complete it. Game releases 3.3.23! 🐉 Final Demo available until March 26th! Platform & demo details - teamninja-studio.com/wolong/us/demo… #WoLongFallenDynasty
73 キャンペーン
エナジードリンク「ZONeエナジー」 コラボキャンペーン開催⚡ 第1弾は、義勇兵準備セット を 10名様にプレゼント! ▼応募方法 ①@WoLongOfficial と  @zone_energy_jp をフォロー ②この投稿をRT 〆切は3/2木 23:59⚡ #ウォーロン #ZONeエナジー
Only 4 more days to go! Download the demo today! teamninja-studio.com/wolong/us/demo… Check out our FAQ section on the official website. teamninja-studio.com/wolong/us/faq/ #WoLongFallenDynasty #TeamNINJAStudio
Only 3 more days to go! How are you doing in the demo so far? Get demo and game deets here - teamninja-studio.com/wolong/ #WoLongFallenDynasty #TeamNINJAStudio