Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty(@WoLongOfficial)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

2023/3/3発売 ダーク三國アクションRPG 『Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty』2ndトレーラー公開 新たな敵、武器、ステージ 更なる #WoLong の華麗な戦いの数々を見よ ダウンロード版予約も受付中。詳細は公式サイトへ ・公式サイト teamninja-studio.com/wolong/jp/ ・2ndトレーラー高画質版 youtube.com/watch?v=1AtM71…
Cao Cao is a warlord, statesman, & writer from the Qiao County in the State of Pei, also known as Mengde. At Guangzong he came up against the main force of the Yellow Turbans he encountered the protagonist, and quickly ascertained that this person was no mere militia soldier.
Work together with other players to defeat the most formidable foes and toughest battlefields. By joining forces with friends, you have the chance to take down even the most fearsome monsters in the game! #WoLongFallenDynasty
『Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty』は 日本ゲーム大賞2022 フューチャー部門を受賞しました Wo Long won the Future Prize at TGS2022! 皆様のご声援、ありがとうございます。 今後も『#WoLong』の情報に ご期待ください。 #ウォーロン #WoLongFallenDynasty
Happy Valentine's Day from 食鉄獣【Shitieshou】🐼♥️🍫 Demo coming 2/24! #WoLong #ウォーロン #WoLongFallenDynasty #ValentinesDay #バレンタイン #バレンタインデー
本日19:00からの #TGS2022 公式番組では 『#WoLongFallenDynasty』を安田P、山際Pが紹介 新たな戦いの舞台、そしてあの三国志最強の武将が登場 プレイヤーを瞬く間に屠る 圧倒的な武を体感せよ 視聴ページ↓ youtu.be/3OEFYss1G7I #WoLong #ウォーロン
Build up your alliances with warriors by calling them for reinforcements. Growing the level of your oath to them may rewards you with their favorite equipment. #WoLongFallenDynasty
Dong Zhuo, courtesy name Zhongying, was a general & politician hailing from Lintao County of Longxi Commandery. He took advantage of the political turmoil between the eunuchs of the Emperor & its opposing forces to seize control of the court, putting a new emperor into place
Ver1.03 Patch Released A patch for the Steam, PS5 & PS4 versions has been released. This patch will be available soon for the Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One & Microsoft Store versions. Details attached and on the website. teamninja-studio.com/wolong/us/upda… (1/2)
Shuigui, a demon resembling a mermaid, wanders in the water. It looks beautiful, but it is a threatening creature that tries take the lives of humans by luring them into the water. #WoLongFallenDynasty #WoLong
#WoLong Fallen Dynasty 🐉 X #LiesofP 🤥 韓国発のダーク系童話アクションゲーム『Lies of P』との相互コラボレーションが決定しました。 詳細をお楽しみに!👀 公式サイト▼ teamninja-studio.com/wolong/jp/news…
Sun Jian from Fuchun County, Wu Commandery, also known as Wentai, is a warlord serving in the final days of the Han Empire. The ferocity of his fighting & strength of his forces make him known as the "Tiger of Jiangdong". He wields Qi masterfully & can take on demons toe-to-toe.
Deflect is a combat technique that neutralizes an enemy's attack. The attacking enemy becomes agitated and their Spirit decreases, while the player's Spirit increases.#WoLongFallenDynasty #WoLong
A battle with a soldier who turned into a demon. Its brute strength is a threat, enabling it to wield large dual sabres. #WoLongFallenDynasty #WoLong
Guan Yu, courtesy name Yunchang, hails from Xie County, Hedong Commandery. He is reputed as a "Rival of the Masses," considered to be worth a legion of soldiers alone. Guan Yu is famous for his long and impressive beard and is widely respected for his loyalty and righteousness.
The team has released the results of the Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty survey conducted in September. The feedback report from over 80,000 fans who defeated the demo is available on the official site today! #WolongFallenDynasty website - tinyurl.com/ye3z86wk
Zhao Yun (courtesy name: Zilong) was a warrior from Zhengding County, Changshan Prefecture. He was a serious down-to-earth person who was not interested in power or money, and wielded his spear to fight for the regular people who suffered during the turbulent times. #Wolong
68 キャンペーン
エナジードリンク「ZONeエナジー」 コラボキャンペーン開催⚡ 第1弾は、義勇兵準備セット を 10名様にプレゼント! ▼応募方法 ①@WoLongOfficial と  @zone_energy_jp をフォロー ②この投稿をRT 〆切は3/2木 23:59⚡ #ウォーロン #ZONeエナジー
Zhu Yan is a huge ape-like demon. It's described in the Classic of Mountains & Seas as being white-necked, red-legged, and living on Mt. Xiaocishan where white gemstones & copper can be found. Its appearance is said to herald the coming of a ruinous war. #WoLongFallenDynasty
TVCM映像公開! #WoLong Fallen Dynasty は明日3/3(金)に PS5/PS4/XSX|S/XOne/Xbox Game Pass/Steam/Microsoft Storeで発売しますので、お見逃しなく🐉 #ウォーロン 体験版は3/27(月)15:59まで全プラットフォームで配信中です! ▼公式サイト teamninja-studio.com/wolong/jp/
#TGS2022 会場に #WoLongFallenDynasty 試遊台 設置完了 皆様の死地への挑戦、お待ちしています。 #WoLong #ウォーロン
#WoLongFallenDynasty will have a playable demo available Feb.24th for #XboxOne, #XboxSeries X|S & the Microsoft store! Your save file will be transferable to the final game available on 3.3.23! Download Feb. 24th & explore the dark Three Kingdoms on @Xbox! Demo ends March 26th
Have you prepared yourself for the battles ahead in the dark Three Kingdoms? Pre-orders are available now for #WoLongFallenDynasty. Pick up either the Standard Edition, SteelBook Launch Edition or the Digital Deluxe Edition today. Game is available 3/3/23. #Xbox #PlayStation #PC
• Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty SteelBook • Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty game (Physical version) • Early Purchase Bonus - Baihu Armor • Bonus DLC (Crown of Zhurong, Crown of Gonggong) All part of pre-ordering the Physical SteelBook Edition! 🐉🐉 Details - teamninja-studio.com/wolong/