BibleBuild Philippines FC 🇵🇭(slow)(@BibleBuildPH)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

So far we have 3 crowns for Jam Planet. Hopefully the next one will be once BibleBuild have their own series 😂😂 #ฟองอากาศของไบเบิ้ลบิว #BibleBuild #ไบเบิ้ลบิว #BibleWichapas #BuildJakapan
Keep shining Bible, u deserve it 🖤 📸 @ChottoTH #ThailandSocialAwards11 @biblesumett #biblewichapas 🔑 11th SOCIAL AWARDS with BIBLE
We miss u badly our little ray of sunshine ☀️ WITH BUILD UNTIL THE END #AlwaysWithYou
We created this fc out of luve for both Bible and Build. We love them together and individually. We’ve been trying to support them while juggling between our personal life & work. We hope that this post/tread will give light to what has been really happening. ++…
Roses are red ❤️ Violets are blue 💙 My world is black 🖤 Not until I found blue 💙 Black and Blue Valentines #TheSummerBibleMetBuild
Hello Bubbles & Beyourluve Regarding the tag tomorrow, we’ve decided to cancel it and change into a different tag that we will post next time. We are sorry for the confusion, we will do a better job in the future. 🙇🏻‍♀️
Valentine’s Day with Build We invite all Beyourluves to join us in wishing Build a Happy Valentine's Day #️⃣ ValentinewithBuild 🔑 BLUE LOVE FOR BUILD 🗓️ Tues, Feb 14 ⏰ 1pm 🇵🇭 #BuildJakapan #Beyourluve
Seeing so many people wearing school uniform for Bible’s D7 event is soooo cute 🥹🥹 #FirstloveD7xBible #D7xBible @biblesumett @D7Thailand
11K OF LUVE Can u believe that we even started last year June with 10 followers and here we are now with 11k luve 🖤💙 Thank u to every bubbles, bsumbody, and beyourluve. Let’s spread more luve 😊