Both Bible and Build got 110,000 baht for both Pastel Pencil they designed for bidding today 👏 #BibleBuildxPastel @biblesumett @Buildbuilddd
Please don’t make him cry anymore 😭 CTTO #BibleBuildxPastel @biblesumett @Buildbuilddd
Learn what is true in order to do what is right - Thomas Huxley 🖤💙
100% will not be a 100 without 1% and we are the strongest 1% in that 100. Let’s use this tag to show love for Build 💙 #ครอบครัวหนึ่งเปอร์เซ็นต์ (use this tag) Hopefully the sun will rise tomorrow after the strong storm we’ve faced ☀️
Today we will hear the truth from Biu. To be honest we trust him and we hope this will give light to us to what has been happening as well. ALWAYS WITH BUILD #BeyourluvexBuild
Look a head Biu. We will be just behind u. ALWAYS WITH BUILD #BeyourluvexBuild
The strongest soldier doesn’t run away from the battle. ALWAYS WITH BUILD #BeyourluvexBuild
Our son, our sunshine, our Biu. You are strong. We will fight together. ALWAYS WITH BUILD #BeyourluvexBuild
Pond IG Reel Update Raw caption: Biu has never been an unattractive younger brother or a bad one even once, and it always remains that way. May everything with everyone be better and appropriate soon #buildjakapan #beyourluve
It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. — Aristotle Onassis 🖤💙
Wishing u a safe flight Bible. Enjoy the world tour in Hong Kong 🇭🇰 #SafeflightHKxBible #BibleWichapas #bsumone #Bsumbody @biblesumett
Once this is over, let’s meet each other Biu with smile on our faces. 💙 #เจ้าแป๊ะยิ้ม #buildjakapan #beyourluve
What comes around goes around. #JusticeForBuildJakapan
After this, please apologize to Biu. He doesn’t deserve all of the words you’ve carelessly thrown on him. #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์
At the end of the day, we cannot erase the fact that he gave us the best smile despite of what has been happening. Despite the things he has been going through, and this time we need to give him our smile to know that we are there for him. 📸 CTTO #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์
BibleBuild will not be BibleBuild without Build. We support and love both of our boys and this time we will stand with Build. We will get justice for him, we will fight with him. Our son hang in there 💙 APOLOGIZE TO BUILD #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์I
BIBLE IS NOW VERIFIED ON IG. LET’S ALL PLEASE CONGRATULATE HIM 🖤 — sorry need to delete the first tweet I made a mistake 🙇🏻‍♀️— #biblewichapas #bsumone #bsumbody
Please bring our sunshine back. Please bring back the smile that give us strength. Please punish those who have wronged him. We want to have our precious Biu back. #ขอโทษบิวจักรพันธ์