Amazing!!!Thank you so much!‼
🎄🍾I'm ready for Christmas!!!🍾🎄
uuuuu!!happy!!! Twitter70000人もフォロー⁉ ありがとうみんな💜
YouTube 60,000!!!🎤 Thanks guys! I'll do my best!!!🫰☺️🐋🌸🌸🌸
💜20000‼️すごい!! So many kind people out there💜…
Look! It's a twitch stamp!💜 They made it for me!🐋
Hug me! I can't wait to get well🐋💦
I'm happy!!! Best Today!!!!!!!💜🌸
January 28th at 20:00 Japan time! Thanks for following me on Twitter so much! I'm so happy, I'll sing!!! 1月28日20時からよろしくね💜🐋 Twitter 100,000 Thank you!!! お祝い配信!! [ 歌います! ]
You can use it too! I'd appreciate it if you'd just tag me when you use it. 皆も使っていいよ! よかったら使う時タグだけしてくれたら嬉しいな💜 #sangwithwhale
あと少しで初配信! Are you ready?‼…
5000人もフォローしてくれたの⁉ uuuuu‼🌸 i'm so happy! #新人Vtuber #VTUBER #ホエテラ
Did our eyes meet?👀 #Vtuber
December 30, 9:00 p.m. Japan time!!! I'll be waiting!🐋🎸🎹🎵🎤🌸 待ってる💜 #ホエテラ #whaletaylor #VTUBER See you next year!!! song!!
HI ! I'LL BE BORN SOON! I'M LOOKING FOWARD TO SEE YOU ! やぁ! 近々誕生しそうだよ!まだ卵の中さ! 今からよろしく頼むね! #VTUBER #debut #Vtuber準備中
Want to join me for a warm drink?