ZeeNuNew_Horizon 数据站(@ZNN_Horizon)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

期待ZeeNuNew今晚的表演呀 Lazada ZeeNuNew #Lazada66WOWTH
ig 搜索lazada 点击头像 在快拍里第三条给咱家投票 粉队 #ZeeNuNew #ZonZon
We hope @DeeHupHouse could truly realize the mistakes and immediately delete and correct the problematic video. We hope that in the future, @DomundiTV can take their work seriously and not make the same mistakes again
💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡 2023-05-09 🎉🎉 恭喜 Zee Pruk李海海NuNew林景云 相关话题 tag:#LolaneXZeeNunew123WeCareU 泰趋第一!!!世趋第五!!! 🎉🎉 #LolaneXZeeNunew123WeCareU
恭喜ZeeNuNew又获得新代言呀 要一起赚大钱! #LolaneXZeeNunew123WeCareU
恭喜老板仔taokaenoi 520向 ZeeNuNew表白套餐 截止2023年5月07日 24点参与抽🧧奖部分套餐 总销💰售额 淘宝:1241 京东:1116 抖音:1151 单价:258 合计:905064CNY ≈4416269.84 THB 期待ZeeNuNew来到中国🥰 #松松supportzeenunew #ZeeNuNew #ซนซน #ZonZon
恭喜小情侣呀 今晚美美的拿奖🥰🥰🥰 #ซีนุนิวเยาวชนต้นแบบ
💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡 2023-04-26 🎉🎉 恭喜 Zee Pruk李海海NuNew林景云 相关话题 tag: #TaoKaeNoiGlobalFunFairDay 泰趋第一!!!世趋第一!!! 🎉🎉 恭喜活动关键词 TKN ZeeNuNew 泰趋第二!!!世趋第四!!!🎉🎉 一次上俩 大家厉害了🥰🥰🥰
超级超级帅气!! 希望能和老板仔一起来中国呀~ TKN ZeeNuNew #TaoKaeNoiGlobalFunFairDay
2023-04-22 🎉🎉 恭喜 Zee Pruk李海海NuNew林景云 相关话题 tag:#ZeeNuNew1stFansign 泰趋第一!!!世趋第二!!! 🎉🎉 总推达1M!!!🎉🎉 #ZeeNuNew #ZonZon
We have gone through a year together, and we appreciate everyone's companionship throughout the year. We will cherish it. Love you ZonZon (let us stay)together Forever ☺️ #ซนซน1ปีซีนุนิวหนึ่งเดียว #ZeeNeNew
(We) have gone through a lot in a year, and we have been together all the time. Thank you very much for your company, Love you all ZonZon I love you! #ซนซน1ปีซีนุนิวหนึ่งเดียว #ZeeNuNew
咱们C位小情侣 好帅呀 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 #รวมพลDMD2023 #ZeeNuNew #ZonZon #ซนซน
Congratulations to Zeenunew First PB for exceeding 5.17 million CNY in sales in China for total pre-order!🎉 sales : 5179688+CNY ≈25845325THB 🔥🔥🔥🔥🎉🎉🎉 @zee_pruk @CwrNew Go on vacation to Maldives! #ZeeNuNew1stPhotobook #松松supportzeenunew #ZeeNuNew #ซนซน #ZonZon
恭喜ZEENUNEW 4月18日 mistine 抖音直播 Views 188k Likes 1.24m Estimated sales 813k cny ≈4057374 thb This sales is only an estimated sales volume, and the actual sales volume is subject to Mistine's official interpretation @zee_pruk @CwrNew #MISTINE抖音超品xZeeNunew #ZeeNuNew
2023-04-18 🎉🎉 恭喜 Zee Pruk李海海NuNew林景云 相关话题 tag:#MISTINE抖音超品xZeeNunew 泰趋第一!!!世趋第七!!! 🎉🎉 @zee_pruk @CwrNew #ZeeNuNew #ซนซน #ZonZon
如果伤感比快乐更深, 但愿我一样伴你行, 任面前时代再低气温, 多么的庆幸 长夜无需一个人, 任未来存在哪个可能, 和你亦是 最后那对变更, 唯愿会及时拥抱入眠, 留住这世上最暖一面, 茫茫人海取暖渡过 最冷一天。 #กอดเฮียแน่นๆ
💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡 2023-04-12 🎉🎉 恭喜 Zee Pruk李海海NuNew林景云 相关话题 tag:#MVติดเธอ 泰趋第一!!!世趋第四!!! 🎉🎉 @zee_pruk @CwrNew @taokaenoi_club #ZeeNuNew #ZonZon #MVติดเธอ
Congratulations to Zeenunew First PB for exceeding 3.23 million CNY in sales in China within one hour!🎉 sales within one hour: 3236792CNY 16109158.0189THB 🔥🔥🔥🔥 @zee_pruk @CwrNew #Photobookแรกของซีนุนิว #ZeeNuNew1stPhotobook #ZeeNuNew
@locallzeenew Does public works also not allow taking photos? What is wrong with you guys?
9 April 2023 (1 PM) - 18 April 2023 (7 PM)🇨🇳时间 会在 泰爱你泰娱小铺 微店进行预售 凡是在微店购买的粉丝朋友即可获得中国场签名会的参与机会 更多活动详情待请关注 微博:泰爱你泰娱小铺 让我们一起买它!买它!买它! @CwrNew @zee_pruk #ZeeNuNew1stPhotobook
日期:2023-4-07 活动:助力pb的tag上早间新闻 刷🦵时间:🇨🇳09:30 tag:#.ZeeNuNew1stPhotobook ⭕️集中刷推在早上 ⭕️整天大家有空时可用这个tag发布一些自己想说的话 在互关好友里 互相转评赞 养号 养号可以使用多tag 多加一个zeenunew或者zonzon的tag 但最好包括pb一共不超过两个 早上不要这么带
💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡 2023-04-05 🎉🎉 恭喜 Zee Pruk李海海NuNew林景云 相关话题 tag:#Masksinger12xZeeNuNew 泰趋第一!!!世趋第三!!! 🎉🎉