for me this is THE aespa edit with hold on tight. it’s crazy how perfectly the lyrics fit for aespa’s worldview despite being a song for the tetris movie. proof aespa is the only group for this song.
#Tetris #HoldOnTight #aespa #aespa_HoldOnTight
they tried to discreetly leave the country
overseas schedule location unknown (they’re not due to leave for ph til like the 10th so…)
2 of the members hiding their hair
it’s safe to surmise that they’re shooting a mv twitter.com/newsenstar/sta…
barbie is a warner bros movie
aespa is a warner records group
hold on tight going viral organically so they def got the ost magic
i say aespa deserves to be on the ost for the barbie movie too
spreading the girls doing the choreo is taking it too far everybody delete i beg we dont need the element of surprise killed before the mv drops 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔
this is the biggest [and only big] playlist hold on tight is on.
a couple days ago aespa was #14 on teen beats. this is a huge jump! so i highly encourage mys to keep streaming hold on tight from this playlist to push it higher so it gets more streams from teen beats users! twitter.com/aespascharts/s…
this is real world aespa btw twitter.com/maigosia/statu…
aespa said we’re gonna give y’all barbie, winx, and totally spies all in one, i’m #sat for the new mv ifl it’s gonna be so fawking good and full of unexpected surprises and styles guys
⚠️ REMINDER that teen beats is the biggest and only big playlist hold on tight is on. it is currently at #8. to ensure that hold on tight doesn’t drop out of the top 10 we MUST keep streaming from this playlist. ⚠️
❗️— open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d…
"beat the system, autopilot cruising." 🌐👾
open.spotify.com/track/7JhAss3J… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
at this rate, aespa will reach 6m monthly listeners in a few days. if they continue growing at this rate then by the week after they’ll be at 7m monthly listeners.
you can tell the difference between an organic hit vs a payola hit bc why is hold on tight getting more daily streams than a song that has 20m playlist reach rn…..
the rocket puncher, the most amazing team leader, the ultimate visual, the most magical spirit, the multitalented walking girl group in one body her self, karina yu!!!
hold on tight gained 925k streams today, an ost is merely inches away from entering spotify global! all this with no promotions for the song and with tiny playlist reach!
everyone continue streaming so we reach 1m daily streams for the cybercore mothers!
.@WarnerPromo @warnerrecords it’s 0 reason you’re not giving your 1st and biggest kpop act better playlisting. aespa topped bb200 and radios last yr, sold 11k tickets in the us for a showcase + gma concert, hold on tight abt to hit 1m daily streams. act like you know their worth.
y’all need to be smarter than this. youtube mv views don’t matter and aespa’s mvs be long and cinematic asf so it’s gonna be hard obtaining these first day views.
we need to be focusing only on spotify, yt music, itunes, and apple music.
but especially spotify. twitter.com/Aespaglobally/…
last year during girls era we made the biggest mistake of focusing on youtube views instead of spotify. we need to not repeat that. i hope our fanbases come to a consensus on this and encourage mys to prioritize spotify streaming during ae1 era.
it’s been hints for months that ae1 may be real world focused. we’ve seen the mcbling/kitschy 00s aesthetics that’s been used to represent aespa’s real world concept since 2020. i’m hoping to see a fullscale high quality explosion of this style in the album packaging and teasers. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…