Actually, I was not convinced of the perfection of "The Concept of Love," but after the presenting of “Jet Set Radio Future” at E3 2000, I received so many inquiries about this song and I became more confident in works I made.
I must say that Bomb Rush Cyberfunk might had been influenced by Jet Set Radio Future.
Amy Rose was dumped by Sonic The Hedgehog.
i am brett ham
there's always room for self growth
I have to take a pee. I can't hold it anymore!🥶
Kentucky should fry Mario and Sephiroth.
After I finished “The Concept of Love” honestly didn't know if it was cool or not. But after submitting it to Smilebit & received a flood of inquiries after JSRF presentation at E3 2000, I started to think that other people's evaluations are what tell me the goodness of my music.
Te amo con todo mi corazon.
あれから20年。2002年2月22日。ジェットセットラジオフューチャーという伝説のゲームが、日本で発売されてから20年。あっと言う間。しかし常にこのゲームの世界中のファンが、SNSを通じて私の側に居てくれた。懐かしさも古くささも全く感じない。20周年おめでとう!Jet Set Radio Future!!#JSRF…
I think it's time for you to cut your hair.…
Be careful. This account is bad.
I did not create Minecraft.
I just knew that 94% of the young people (18~29) in the united states don’t support Mr. Biden. And they want a new president except him. I think it because he’s super weak in a fight.
It’s not horny time… yet. 😏
TV news should simply broadcast only the facts that happened. When newscasters and commentators say the good and evil about the news, it induces the thinking of people.
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk involves many other musical artists besides myself. Like JSR or JSRF.
Boobs means Oppai (おっぱい) in Japanese.
Shitposts give smiles to people.
Everyone in this world loves to fart.
I'm still single.
I still don't understand what made Larry Lurr funny.