Mickey Mouse is terrified of Sephiroth.
Tell your mom that i’m a funny and horny man.
Jair Messias Bolsonaro é muito estúpido. Porque é ele o Presidente do Brasil?
I should acquire E-girls.
Hatsune Miku is super weaker than Sonic.
You guys always like to poop and fart.
Biden is not cute enough.
This guy should just shut up @OnTheDownLoTho
Unfortunately, Miku had no interest in Jet Set Radio and did not fall in love with me.
You shouldn't tweet negative things. This is an advice from Hideki.
Are you happy? I’m not.
In Japan, young people are taught from an early age that it is wrong and impure to have sex, and this has not stopped the declining birthrate. Please help us.
You can use my tracks freely, AIN'T NOTHIN' LIKE A FUNKY BEAT, FEEL the POWER in YOUR SOUL, PUMPIN' JUMPIN' and JACK DA FUCK on TikTok! Use my tracks and post your video on TikTok!!!
We were born alone, We will die alone. We are all alone.
Tell your mother not to give up on her attractiveness as a woman. Your mothers are still beautiful.
【Smfh】Shaking my fucking head: an expression of disappointment in someone's actions or words where smh is not enough. It shows a higher level of disappointment. You don't like dommy mommy....smfh!
【嬉しいお知らせ】80年代後半のニュー・ジャック・スウィングを長沼サウンドテイストに仕上げた新曲「JACK DA FUNK」が、ボム・ラッシュ・サイバーファンクの発売に先駆けて、3月16日に世界中の音楽ストリーミングサービス、YouTube、SoundCloud、Bandcampで先行配信されることが決定しました!!👏😎 twitter.com/ReptileGames/s…
I don’t pay taxes to the state of Texas.
Please do not expect me to become the Prime Minister of Japan. I’m just a sexy MF.
You like to eat estrogen burgers. 🍔✌️
I think I exist on a different level than other Japanese game composers. Because I am also a shitposter.