bro u high as shit
Money does not make you happy. Love makes you happy.
hideki's twitter is a larryposting account and i was here when it happened #proud
People who can't find love check Twitter 24 hours a day.
Let’s fart.
The way to enjoy Twitter is not to get upset and reply to replies that are offensive to you. Ignore them or you don't even have to check the replies in the first place. Just tweet what you want, whenever you like.
“Air Gear” is the only anime which I have done music. This is because the author of the anime was a big fan of Jet Set Radio Future and my music.…
Hideki, what the fuck are you talking about?
get the fuck out of here
I love Tomboys.
In Japan, the number of children has been declining for 41 consecutive years since 1982. The percentage of children under the age of 15 in the Japanese population is 11.9%. We must immediately stop sexless life and have children.
Both candidates for the next British Prime Minister are younger than me, but they are not very attractive. I should beat them in a fight.
Super Estrogen Fanta is not not on sale in Japan, yet.
If your mom is sexy, just let me know.
“Gay Wife 2022” for Nintendo Switch was rejected by Nintendo last year.
Why Won't God Blow Up The Sun?
I have not yet disclosed whether I am a man or a woman.
😳 You could beat the minister of fat tits in a fight.…
Naganuma finds tits. #NFT
Pokemon changed my life.