Hello dog. I don’t think you can use the chopsticks well. twitter.com/HeyOokido/stat…
Unfortunately “Big Chungus vs. Lara Croft “ for PS5 was already rejected by Sony.
No, but I plan to acquire Microsoft. t.co/TeoCHFir0C
I don't like the Russian president.
I've just urinated.
You are the CEO of a group of girls who think that wearing glasses will make them pretty. twitter.com/YOURFRIENDSYLP…
You could beat the CEO of boobs in a fight. twitter.com/gfyari/status/…
Please stop sending me his pictures.
I hope that SilvaGunner still loves my music.
My Twitter is always changing. In the early days, I tweeted about my unimportant daily life and thoughts in Japanese. In the middle, I started answering your questions in English. Then you started sending me memes. And now I just shitpost.
Most Japanese people will never understand why I, a composer of minor games, got so many followers more than the governor of the area where I live. I mean, most Japanese people don't even know I exist.
The current Prime Minister of Japan has only 448,581 followers on Twitter. I think I could beat him in a fight.
Shitposts give smiles to people.
Teacher, what is cussy?
I’ve just found out that “cussy” is not a famous slang worldwide. Thank you Twitter.
No one in the world is interested in what you ate or what you did. Please post something interesting.
You shouldn't tweet negative things. This is an advice from Hideki.
Most of Japanese people never realized. Because Jet Set Radio didn’t sell well in Japan at all. I realized the impact in E3 2000, but sega didn’t. Then I left sega & started Twitter & tweeted in English. My young followers might know what Jet Set Radio is. What a wonderful world. twitter.com/BeatFromJSR/st…
If she eats all of that bread, she would take in too many calories. twitter.com/Mattimus16/sta…
I have to take a pee. I can't hold it anymore!🥶
【Smfh】Shaking my fucking head: an expression of disappointment in someone's actions or words where smh is not enough. It shows a higher level of disappointment. You don't like dommy mommy....smfh!
Will you still need him, will you still feed him, when he’s 64 twitter.com/Hideki_Naganum…
Girls make me happy.