I am very sorry for Brazilian people. 🇧🇷 twitter.com/Hideki_Naganum…
gay people love to funk
I wish the British people all the best.
The lyrics of the song called “Big Chungus”.
His neck is exactly the same width as his face. twitter.com/fairyinsanity/…
I need a wife. Where’s my wife?
I can suck your butt.
Elon Musk never should be the President of the United States.
Ask your mom if she is horny tonight or not.
A Japanese game composer who is not well known in Japan will continue to shitpost.
“Copy and Paste” is the best technology ever invented by mankind.
I often quote your replies. If you don't have the courage to have your replies quoted by me for over 260,000 people in the world, please don't reply to me in the first place.
Whenever I pee, I sit on the toilet seat.
Here's my advice. Don't tweet about things that divide the world's opinion. You will lose followers.
Hideki vasco, simplemente épico
I acknowledge that there are girls who want to dress like boys and boys who want to dress like girls in this world.
what the fuck is soft gay?
As you can see these Gum artworks, Jet Set Radio (2000), Jet Set Radio Future (2002) were both two steps ahead in the video game industry. Sega always did something too early about 15 years.
trans twitter superstar ⭐️
Never send me images of Biden and Trump kissing.
I rarely fart, but I do defecate daily.
This man is not called Hideki Naganuma.