Hideki Naganuma has just learned that the USA is a land of femboys.
I have no girlfriend, I have no family, I’m super alone. I’m not happy enough.
Why did I leave Sega? It's simple. Because I judged that Sega wasn't going to make a sequel to JET SET RADIO, or any successor games of it.
For my new followers. I'm a SpongeBob fan. Because he's SquarePants. twitter.com/Hideki_Naganum…
I like small titties as well.
It is very dangerous to look for articles and videos that share the same opinion as yours, and watch them to be convinced. There are opinions out there that are different from yours. It is important to tolerate them.
Is the idea of democracy on the verge of disappearing in the United States?
I would never fight against Mr. Tatsuro Yamashita, because I respect his music very much. twitter.com/NaganumaLover6…
In Japanese, you should never use “kun (くん)” after the name of someone you respect or who is older than you. It’s very rude. You should always use “san (さん)”. Call me “Naganuma-san” or “Hideki-san” in Japanese.
Happy 20th Anniversary to JET SET RADIO FUTURE!!! 🎮🎵🎶🎊🎉🎈 Jet Set Radio Future, the sequel to Jet Set Radio improved the gameplay & graphics, included several new features, new characters, new music, more open world environments, new artwork, & offered multiplayer gameplay.
Estrogen changed your life.
I want my followers to have more followers as well, so I actively quote or retweet your tweets.
He’s so handsome.
I like boobs indeed.
i love girls. sorry boys.
I think it's time for you to cut your hair. twitter.com/LarryLurr/stat…
yeah, i’m still looking for cute girl boys. twitter.com/oncloud_e/stat…
The minister of fat tits is way stronger than the CEO of boobs.
You could beat the CEO of boobs in a fight. twitter.com/gfyari/status/…
Too block, Too weak.
Splatoon 3 Enjoy the game
bro, i need a mommy, dommy mommy