
Mind to share the story of the mosquito? Did I missed something interesting?
Isn’t she is the founder of that Cocoa drink?🤣🤣🤣🤣 What was she doing in her live? twitter.com/w_windchill/st…
She is one of the top lawyers in Thai. She is an artist; get lot of recognition since she had art exhibition two years ago. F received death threat message on SNS since last 2 weeks. 'You are my solicitor,not my mother.Stop following me.' 'But i need to protect you.' 'you what?'
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahhaahhahahahahaahhahaahhaha twitter.com/Kepleeerrr/sta…
Okay, at least @FREENBECKY_STAR informed the FreenBecky Official in Thailand about this issue. Big applause for Eternity, at least the ‘OK’ they replied meant they can read English🫶🏼😂
Most of the time,Mrs Armstrong will only login her blue bird app and tweets when her daughter is home.
My slippers when catching the bus when I was late🫶🏼
She found the correct answer, the Koh Samui Island😂 #FreshDozexBecky
Don’t need to define but just experienced it🫶🏼 twitter.com/Maddys_Edits4/…
Good morning and Happy Songkran Happy Thai New Year to all who celebrating the days! Thanks always help inter fans with translations and related informations. We always appreciate your help and kindness.Enjoy your holidays❤️ And happy holidays to Sarocha and Becky too! Rest well!
If you wonder what Becky keeps repeating the “chong chong chong, Mai ta mai ta” means, it means Go Go Go Buy it Buy It😂#MISTINE抖音超品xBecky
Reply 1️⃣for FreenBecky Reply 2️⃣for BeckFreen Reply 🤍 for FBBF twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
I’m going to have same style outfit. *click Lazada
So many ambulances siren sound featuring their love stare😍 Omg! No wonder all screamed their lungs out, this is the best LOVE scene of the night. twitter.com/piyo_shirley/s…
Everything is going smooth and safe🫶🏼 Don’t worry ka. They have the best hospitality from the organizer and no fans giving the info about the venue. Secret and private. By fangirl in Guangzhou #justHelpToRepost
Thanks Glaiza🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 You are the best! twitter.com/sapphicluvvr/s…
….. Bagai Pinang Dibelah Dua
How you treat the world, the world will treat you back at the same way. Miss Rebecca loves her life, fully uses her time with things & works she likes. No matter how busy is she, she never stop being a kind person and the one initiates the conversation with fans. 🫶🏼
This strawberry flavor has vitamin A C E. Becky said water has no flavor so she seldom drinks water. She prefer the grape’s flavor and believe the fans have same taste with her too. Now she’s going to demo with her favorite flavor. #FreshDozexBecky
Hello~it’s me🫶🏼
They stay in different hotel with their colleagues and friends … Phi is like ‘ok, now show you mine. That’s why you guys can’t see me during the supper time’.
All the best for your coming movie,LLL. 🫶🏼 Rose will bloom all the time. #Beckysangels
Fans saw BB and Babe from far distance in the car park. when they want to have a clearer view,BB and Babe already walked in the building.They’re real fast..
I know you are tired , I know you try to protect people you like, I know your emotions got affected in these few days. Sending virtual hug for you all. You are not alone. Maybe not today, but soon the chaos will end. Do not bash anyone bcoz we’re using own ways to support them.