
Now Sarocha has the QI , pretty sure shewill be good and back to her old condition or even better. I know because she has the Rebeccaaaaaaaaa~ twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
FB’s stylist: Their costumes will not stick together, but someone ARE always sticking together. . . Sir, where is the pic? Do you forgot to attach the picture in your tweet?
Ahhhhhhhhhhh. I’m gay ! Gay for Freen Sarocha Chankimha🥲. F me! I mean Follow me!
Seriously, i know it’s a way to let IDF to hear your voices through leaving comments under their tweets. But can you guys at least respect Nam who actually always support the girls and this is her New Project. 放过南姐的帖吧,祝福一下人家的新作品不好吗?留言也要看对象啊。😓
Today is 19th April 2023. 11 days to go😌
About the LLL trailer, I login BiliBili website and found out the trailer already on the website since 19/4/2023. Nobody was aware about this until someone found it and reposted on Twitter. I also thought this is legal and official.😅 Someone from production company leaked it?
Left handed but the little bicep on right hand… Congratulations to her clothes, F must be wash you all very well😌
Think before you click. Dammmmmm…so hot.
Hello~it’s me🫶🏼
Bec Bec and Richie having sibling’s argument on Twitter because they have smooth internet connection at mall if compare to their condo’s. They may need half an hour to upload a gif pic when they at home.
Let’s vote. 13 hours left. haloocean.com/vote
Watched Gap the Series yesterday with my laptop and forgot to close the tab. . . Presented with my laptop in a meeting, everyone gasped at the moment I connected to the big screen. 🥹 It’s episode 1 part 2/4 ,around 8:30.
Idol Factory be like : Noh, I’m gonna to make these pictures into different tweets so that the fans will not leave this page.😉 #MarryMeTeaser12Plus
Most of us find our sustenance in this fandom because the real life might be tiring and boring. That’s why we came here to find the so called Utopia. If they can give you the strength,let you feel comfortable and confident to interact with others, then you should stay and do not
Becky said she enjoys the moment when press the drink capsule into the water. She did it smoothly. I THOUGHT SHE CANT EVEN OPEN BOTTLE CAP ? #FreshDozexBecky
Yeah, our girls going to have fun with Philippines fans. Can’t wait for their news and photos. And fans who going to meet them, enjoy and stay safe ka🫶🏼
She is one of the top lawyers in Thai. She is an artist; get lot of recognition since she had art exhibition two years ago. F received death threat message on SNS since last 2 weeks. 'You are my solicitor,not my mother.Stop following me.' 'But i need to protect you.' 'you what?'
The endorser really suay ~~~mak ~~ #SulwhasooXBecky
Love to see every sweet couple wake up in the morning ,giving each other morning kiss and cuddle like this…🫶🏼
Tormor saves my life . #SulwhasooXBecky
Ahahahahah! I’m just know FreenBecky debut as Thailand New Rising Girl Group in China😂 They even introduce Freenas the leader, Becky as the member of the group( so extra, how about Leader and Co-leader cause only two members group) I can’t stop laughing. No FB but #sweetgirl
Me thinking what to eat. The waitress
late lunch❤️
she’s not home. she’s home.