
not xiaojun saying with teary eyes that he lost confidence when he wasn't able to see weishennies with their light sticks for a long time 😭 WAYV IN JAPAN DAY 2 #WayV_TheFirstVision_in_JAPAN twitter.com/nanju_0227/sta…
literally xiaojun and hendery 🥺🤍 twitter.com/pien_pien_01/s…
xiaojun and piggy back rides whenever he is with a ge/hyung 🥺🤍
hendery in specs 😵‍💫🤍
seriously what I love about wayv is that even if they're idols, you can really see they're good friends who love to hang out. reminds me of what yangyang and xiaojun said once, that even though they're a team who is always together, they still love to hang out together 🥹🤍 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
also bringing back a casual picture of wayv looking like a family of elite royal vampires when it's just them walking out of a schedule ✨ twitter.com/angelxiaodery/…
"jiayou! your company is very busy, it’s ok, our company is very busy too!" "blame the company, don't blame me!” hendery, xiaojun, and their saga of indirects to the company 😭 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
this is just so cute and sweet. crystal jie in full support for hendery in phantom bkk stop. even packed with her lolela shirts, cecilia jie's support fans, and multiple leekbongs 🥺🤍
pretty xiaojun and flowers 🌺🤍 twitter.com/godsmcnv/statu…
wayv the first vision fan event in japan day 1 overall setlist: - take off, kick back - ment, games, vcr - phantom english version, nectar - vcr with stand by me inst. - medley - first japanese song: welcome to my paradise ❤️ WAYV IN JAPAN DAY 1 #WayV_TheFirstVision_in_JAPAN
hendery saying he's touched to see that so many weishennies came and hope everyone can meet more often. xiaojun saying seeing so many green lights makes him wanna cry. wayv always being emotional of the support they get 😭🤍 WAYV IN JAPAN DAY 1 #WayV_TheFirstVision_in_JAPAN twitter.com/NCT_happiness/…
turns out the "find the positives in the negatives" is yangyang's self motto as well so to put it out as a form of encouragement too in one of his pocas is so sweet 🥺🤍 twitter.com/angelxiaodery/…
finally, today is wayv's second phantom fanmeet stop. must be so exciting to perform in manila again but this time for their own solo event. hope they have the most fun today too. as always, fighting our visions 🥺🤍
will not shut up about this but hendery's take on bravery will forever be ingrained in me. "saying no to someone is a kind of brave." aside from his very in depth yet comforting phrase, the fact that he gifted winwin such a carefully thought out gift 🥺🤍 https://t.co/uz0A5Zxwo3
trying not to cry but the way hendery caressed his hair while looking back at op. why is he so beautiful 🥲🤍
wayv's vocal line in miracle 😵‍💫 https://t.co/xVIDzlWT1Q
aside from hendery's softest face saying he's very touched that so many people came, xiaojun and yangyang are really just gazing at the crowd. the way they always get overwhelmed with the support 😭🤍 WAYV IN JAPAN DAY 1 #WayV_TheFirstVision_in_JAPAN
turns out you're capable so really what was the excuse this time @NCTsmtown @WayV_official?
wayv is so family coded 🤍
also this xiaojun whisking eggs 🥹 https://t.co/55usz7Z5UN
wayv performing try my luck and seems that kun is also doing the choreo but not too much. hope he is still able to feel comfortable while performing 🥺🤍 #WayV_Phantom_in_MANILA
xiaojun and flowers 🌺🤍
difference in energy between the wayv gege line and didi line: 🐻🐱🐥: planned calmly, executed calmly 🦕🦄🐑: planned energetically, executed with so much energy. kun being the only extrovert in gege line meanwhile yangyang being the only introvert sandwiched by xiaodery 😭 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
3 more minutes to go for wayv and their first ever japan fan event. being proud is an understatement. all the best today our visions 😭🤍 WAYV IN JAPAN DAY 1 #TheFirstVision_D1 #WayV_TheFirstVision_in_JAPAN