santa and his elves have been watching me when i sleep in a sick attempt to judge my character and impose his own twisted brand of justice upon me marked by leaving gifts or coal he will know true justice when the tripwire by my chimney activates and sends shrapnel through his br
@D_Dropscythe im saving my headpats for you
i had the craziest day today i got chased by a huge dog, found $500 on the ground, saved a child from drowning, programmed a AAA video game, ate a bagel, committed grand larceny at a lemonade stand and then to top it all off i lied about my day on twitter
m&g tickets sold out in 3 minutes and i dont know whether to be thankful or scared for my life but i do know one thing: its gonna be one hell of a time thanks again @animeimpulse and dont miss the sale for fulgur's tickets tomorrow #PR animeimpulse.com/nijisanji/sonn…
hello everyone i miss you all very much i am doing well in fact i cant remember the last time i was this happy i look forward to speaking with you again when i return from my break whenever that may be in the meantime please stay safe and treasure your loved ones
Thats right... Noctyx is coming to @animeimpulse for a meet and greet and other fun events!! Finally we will meet face to face in the ring of battle. HEAVEN or HELL. Bully or be bullied. No matter the outcome, I WILL cry. Buy tickets here! : tickets.animeimpulse.com #PR
i hope every one is haveing a nice day today ☺️