its really depressing coming home after a trip filled with amazing food to eat a bowl of rice and boiled eggs... tadaima
i hope youre are havei ng a nnice a nice day :D
sonny brisko
do you ever realize youve been doing something wrong your entire life and get really embarrassed in hindsight for example i just learned that you can open doors by turning the handle but i always just kicked them off the hinges woops
ha? you think i want chocolate from you? get away from me you freak
rare luxnoc strearm???…
is dethorn a word i mean remove the spikes
i can dethorn a sea urchin with my bare hands
do not even think about stealing my patented original tweets it takes an unparalleled genius to make content like this go write your own tweets
sorry its been really hard to find the time to stream recently hope you are doing well and cant wait to talk with you again☺️