#piettore #ildottore #pierro something soft, mutual understanding
dottore gets his own post actually, I like how this came out 😵‍💫 #ildottore
#capittore #capitano #ildottore I like that captain’s attire has lots of chains on it like he can manipulate them. it’s good for pacifying annoying doctors
nobody is drawing piettore I think that’s criminal behaviour #ildottore #pierro
"go to hell" is basic, "I hope il dottore gets a personality change, a redesign and mischaracterised when put into the game" is possible, it's terrifying
I don’t want a pretty and handsome dottore. I want him physically insane, wide eyed and dramatic in the game. If he’s nothing akin to a rabid dog in charming clothing I do not want him
the slayification of pulcinella #Pulcinella #ildottore