EN high five!!!!!
#SliceOfIke #PenCast
1. minato(流星p)-SPICE!
2. niki-FISRT
3. Samfree-リリリリ★バーニングナイト
4. ラブ・ドラマティック
5. ゆよゆっぺ-Leia
6. Make my story
7. Mary -Figment of the World-
8. GIVEN-冬のはなし
9. ゆよゆっぺ-Cry
10. 前前前世
11. 無力P-Isolation
12. 蝶々P-心做し
【Eng sub】英語字幕
Seraph prank 🦉🎻 + Nagi📄 Hibari♦︎☕ Kanato🍝🍷 scream️
⚠️There have jumpscare 4 times pls watch out.
#セラフカット #四季凪請負中
#ふらっと切り抜き #サクッと雲雀 twitter.com/abigcuddlytedd…
👟: Personally when a vtuber graduates it’s not tears I kind of just have a when like there’s a part of your life goes away and you just feel empty. It just feels empty but it’s not like crying. For me at least. It’s just feels like a void[…]
This but irl😭❤️🧡💛💙💜 twitter.com/Mysta_Rias/sta…
Shu: let me do it for you c:
He said the borzoi line 🥺🤲🏻💜✨
🔗: youtu.be/0Hy8WZyPtCU
#ShuYamino #ShuClip
⚠️Headphone ON
Vox: He came on my JK stream once and he was:”imagined the JK when he gets the top of thing he's like (breathing)” and he started doing heavy breathing and the Yaminions could get over it for a week straight.
Milord stop exposure us😭😭
#VoxPopuLIVE #ShuClip
💬: Memorable food?
👟: one thing that memorable is four of them had some crazy good Yakiniku WITHOUT ME. 😕…WITHOUT ME ☹️
He was the last one arrived so the rest of four w/ manesan went to get some Yakiniku without Shu
poor Shu🤣🤣🤣
#ShuYamino #ShuClip #Yaminow
Viper drop the bomb to Minase
Minase: Me??????😰💦💦
(Minase look at Shu and take out the bomb and shake his head)
Minase: 🥺
Shu: ww I will take it hehe☺️
Minase: (drop the bomb to Shu) Thank you 🥺💕I can’t!
Awww This is too cute for my heart😭💕
#ShuYamino #ShuClip
He wink!!!😉😉
Mysta said out loud the truth. Lxm is attract more new viewers but the girls was the one work really hard to open the nijien way😭😭😭 don’t miss the girls 😭😭 I’m one of fan bc Lxm and started to watch the whole en and all the girls is really funny pretty and entertaining
Shu: nmmmmmm😋😋😋
He so enjoy the cake 🍰🥹🤲🏻💜✨
Mns wanted a skin vandal and he went to found shu
Mns: shu-saaaan🥺🥺
Shu: Yes??
Mns: (drop no skin vandal)🥺🤲🏻
Shu: Oh! (drop a skin vandal)☺️
Mns: ありがとうございまーーす!☺️(Ty)
Shu: skin buff💪🏻 ☺️
Shu: Hya Hya Hya Hya
Mns: Hya Hya Hya Hya
#ShuYamino #ShuClip
Personally the funniest moment LMAOOO
Yugo: (bo ke) dumb😎
Shu: (boke tsu) grave😄
JP common phrase: 墓穴を掘る(Boketsu wo horu) mean “Dig one’s own grave”
Also the butt hair WTH 🤣🤣
#Shuclip #shuclipEN
#YugoAsuma #Yuclip
(Listing all the EN members)
Millie: there’s always one person in Lxm that I keep forgetting lol
Fuu: …(my soul hurts)mY oShI….(cry)
(Talking about Fuuchan oshis)
Millie:… you also like Shu in EN for sure
Fuu: True. Shu is my kami (god) Oshi
#Shugur 🍬
Probably the first time Shu called us “Yams” 🍠 🥺🤲🏻💜✨
Yaminions🍌 → Yams 🍠
HoeL brothers time💜🧡🥰
Mysta: can we talk?(run)
Shu: ok but why are you running🙂 why are you running🙂!!
The 1 vs 1 is like the brother preach to brother 🤣🤣🤣
#ShuYamino #MystaRias
#ShuClip #MystaWorldWide