BTS official IG posted Jimins LIKE CRAZY dance challenge with his #TeamJimin dance JIMIN ENDED KPOP Like, share, bookmark & good comments 💛 instagram.com/reel/Cqhd5pLpm… 💛 instagram.com/reel/CqheAUipe… #LikeCrazy #SetMeFree_Pt2 #Jimin_FACE #JIMIN #지민 @BTS_twt twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Kim Ji-soo | Goodzi is one of #Jimin 's backup dancer "It started in winter, but it's already spring. Thank you for your hard work from the music video to the broadcast. It was an honor to be with great people +++ #JiminNo1Hot100 #LikeCrazyNo1Hot100 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Ghstloop Producer posted news of #LikeCrazyNo1Hot100 JIMIN -LIKE CRAZY👑 It happened like a dream. Thank you again to Jimin, Pdog PD, Juhyun, staffs members &everyone else who helped me. Thank you to all the fans around the world who always support me💜 #JiminNo1Hot100 #JIMIN
Yonhap News reported Jimin Billboard No. 1 #LikeCrazy , foreign media "Jimin wrote history" @yonhaptweet Like, engage & save 💛instagram.com/p/CqpGtElhxk_/… #지민아_핫백1위_축하해 #라이크크레이지_핫백1위 JIMIN HISTORY MAKER #JiminNo1Hot100 #LikeCrazyNo1Hot100 JIMIN ENDED KPOP
Juhyeon EVAN Cho Producer posted about #JiminNo1Hot100 JIMIN - LIKE CRAZY 🥇 I still can't believe it....😭 Thank you very much for your hard work Jimin, PD, Mr. Min-su & all the staffs who worked hard for the album 🥳🎉🎊 Please engage 💛instagram.com/p/Cqp_t_wLSiC/…
Jimin's Billboard Hot 100 No. 1 news has been uploaded on official @BBCNorthAmerica IG @BBCNewsAsia "BTS' Jimin first S Korea solo artist to top US Billboard charts" Please engage &save 💛instagram.com/p/CqnswuTjTzF/… JIMIN PAVED THE WAY #JiminNo1Hot100 #LikeCrazyNo1Hot100 #JIMIN
Official KEvents - Europe’s biggest K-pop party/concert organizers posted a reel "Set Me Free Pt.2" was playing Effect in Stuttgart Germany @officialkevents Literal chills ✨ #SetMeFree_Pt2 is Iconic masterpiece 💛 instagram.com/reel/CqlKQqYoM… #LikeCrazy #Jimin_FACE #JIMIN
Jini- Video creator, Professional MC, Journalist posted video compilation news of forgein media about #JiminNo1Hot100 🌟💜 #Jimin is writing a new chapter in history, following his successful solo debut. Please engage & save 💛instagram.com/reel/CqteuKqA6… #LikeCrazyNo1Hot100
Chahat Tewani- Indian actress is Jimin bias shared a video of her cute reaction to #Jimin ‘s #LikeCrazy performance 🥳 "Jimin stans right now"🥰 "Based on true events" We all fall in love Jimins brilliant aura & charisma 💛instagram.com/reel/CqXSYgGAW… #SetMeFree_Pt2 #Jimin_FACE
Design & Direction Studio Yacht studio was responsible for producing the album logomotion for Jimin's solo album "FACE" Please engage & save 💛 instagram.com/p/Cqurei2u4sN/… #LikeCrazy #SetMeFree_Pt2 #Jimin_FACE #JIMIN #지민 @BTS_twt twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Media outlets reported Jimin's "Like Crazy” achieved its 4th Music Show win 🥇 on today's Music Bank Episode [1158] @kpopinarab 💛 instagram.com/p/CqvCGhsIt9h/… @officialkvibes 💛 instagram.com/p/CquwQqQy5sS/… #LikeCrazy4thWin #라이크크레이지_뮤뱅1위축하해 #우리지민또1위했네 #JIMIN
Indonesia's fyikorea news HYBE's stock price is showing an uptrend with #Jimin ‘s successful solo activities JIMIN IMPACT Kindly engage & save 💛instagram.com/p/CqvGfncB6ch/… JIMIN PAVED THE WAY JIMIN HISTORY MAKER #JiminNo1Hot100 #LikeCrazyNo1Hot100 #LikeCrazy #Jimin_FACE
KAZUKI UJIIE Musician, Singer covered Jimins LETTER "Letter ✉️ cover May you be happier " Please engage & bookmark 💛 instagram.com/reel/Cqu6JcQBu… #LikeCrazy #SetMeFree_Pt2 #Jimin_FACE #JIMIN #지민 @BTS_twt
🚨Most Requested Live has started! @MostRequestLive Get ready to request Jimin's "Like Crazy" on Instagram Hi @OnAirRomeo and @mostrequestedlive , could you please play #LikeCrazy by #JIMIN on #MostRequestedLive Thank you! 🔗instagram.com/reel/CqyvRlpst… 🔗 instagram.com/stories/mostre…
Sergio Kletnoy-Entertainment Director at @voguemagazine shared Vogue's reel of them spending a day with #Jimin in New York! "🙌🙌🙌" Kindly engage 💛 instagram.com/stories/sergio… #LikeCrazy #JIMINxVOGUE #Jimin_FACE @BTS_twt
Indonesia FYI featuring Jimin will receive Melon's Weekly Top Artist Award for the fifth week of March @melon Melon Hall Of Fame poster "Millions Album" given to Jimin directly. Please engage & save 💛 instagram.com/p/CqvXepHvTUp/… #LikeCrazy #SetMeFree_Pt2 #Jimin_FACE #JIMIN
cyberframe uploaded a video edition of Jimin "#LikeCrazy" into anime style with Ai "Hope you like it Awesome insane song 💜" Such amazing edit Please engage & save 💛 instagram.com/reel/CqLckItDn… #LikeCrazyNo1Hot100 #JiminNo1Hot100 #JIMIN #LikeCrazy #Jimin_FACE
Jimins lovers please go to Instagram and request Jimins LIKE CRAZY on @Planeta107FM 🔗 instagram.com/p/Cqy9Hwmv4Lm/… Please use requestion below @radioplanetafm voto por #LikeCrazy English version de #JIMIN para que suba de posición en #rankingplaneta
Harper’s BAZAAR MEN Thailand posted stunning photos of #Jimin on their cover SUMMER 2023 issue @bazaarthailand Jimin with an exclusive fashion set image that conveys elegance and strength at the same time under a modern handsome look from Dior Summer 2023 Men's Collection @Dior
🚨Hi Jimins lovers Please go to Instagram of @BigTop40 and request Jimins LIKE CRAZY in your comments You can use requestion below ⬇️ We love #LikeCrazy from #Jimin_FACE by #JIMIN 🔗 instagram.com/p/Cq0xLJxs9Lr/…
WWDKOREA announced Jimin Debuts for Tiffany, the Royal Family Decks Out in Blue, Walker Country’s Cause Jimin is appearing in his first ad campaign for Tiffany,the royals all wore blue on Easter Sunday, the Walker Country duo is curating for a cause @wwdkorea #JIMINxTIFFANYANDCO
JIMIN GIFTED A SIGNED “FACE” ALBUM to SBS radio host Jae Phil To Yoo Jae Phil.“ I'm BTS Jimin. The first album will be a lot of things to talk about I'll always cheer for you “ 💛instagram.com/p/Cq2G51uPFUm/… 💛instagram.com/p/CqcjP2jvWTe/… 💛instagram.com/reel/Cq2FkZKAV… #LikeCrazy #JIMIN twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
WWD JAPAN 📰NEWS: 'TIFFANY' Announces New Campaign Featuring BTS' JIMIN Including Gal Gadot & Zoe Kravitz "This is Tiffany" @wwd_jp @TiffanyAndCo Kindly engage & save 💛instagram.com/p/Cq2RKiYppwb/… TIFFANY GLOBAL AMBASSADOR JIMIN #JIMINxTIFFANYANDCO #JIMINxTIFFANY #JIMIN #지민
Tailorable - Seoul-based menswear brand posted photos & video: "A tailorable bespoke suit worn by Jimin for the new album cover ‘FACE’ Jimin looks so gorgeous Please engage & save 💛instagram.com/p/Cq2JNDDrF2P/… #JiminXTiffanyAndCo #Jimin_FACE #JIMIN #지민 @BTS_twt twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Harper's BAZAAR HK "@bts_bighit member Jimin is the first Tiffany & CO. Introducing the ad taken" Kindly engage & bookmark 💛 instagram.com/p/Cq2tCJgrTNr/… TIFFANY GLOBAL BRAND AMBASSADOR JIMIN #JiminXTiffanyAndCo #Jimin_FACE #JIMIN #지민 @BTS_twt