I just can't help but imagine boss sitting there and be so sweet to give his hearts, meanwhile thinking "POG I LIKE IT💛!" #drawluca
First thing that came into my mind.🥰 #drawLuca #lucadeezhands #drawgustus
Get ready. In tailor store🎩👠 200K CONGRATS!💖 #drawluca #lucakaneshiro
Lions🦁 我的妄想😌 #drawluca
Made a new one with logo💛 #pognail
"WOW YOU GOT ROBOT ARMS!!? POGGGGGGG!!!" #drawluca #FulGallery
WIP He gets to build his own dreamland...🥺😭 I love this game... #drawluca
Love this game even more cause it's Fu Chan playing it🥺💖 #FoYoVid #FulGallery
腐男子の主張 When they change their header it's like-🥰 feat.Enna & Reimu #FulGallery #VioletAtelier
Golf🐑⚡️ #FoYoVid #FulGallery Uki的還在畫😂他們太有效率
我怎麼可能會錯過化妝梗🥺💕 不確定會不會再細化 #FulGallery #VioletAtelier
Looking forward to this game! It's so colorful!🥰 #UkiThumb #VioletAtelier
It's not finished yet. But I'd like to share somthing too😌💖 Can't wait to see others fantastic works. #Fulgurlicious #FulGallery
Happy birthday Fu chan hehe💖🐑 #FulGallery