
#LRT a Japanese movie fan tweeted like this "I just thought that Nakamoto Yuta san, who will appear in the new H&L movie, is a really handsome guy. Then I found out that he has 8 million followers on his IG, and that got scared me.+
those congratulatory flower stands for Yuta and NCT127 were sent by MEN’S NON-NO Nikkei digital edition marketing team HiGH&LOW THE WORST movie official Louis Vuitton Japan EXILE HIRO-san THE RAMPAGE pic©️dibidibi_di 🥺🥺
悠太くんのコメント🥰🥰 #中本悠太 #YUTA #ハイロー
みんなの所にも早く届きますように🥺 #YUTA #TAEYONG #NCT127 #エル・ジャポン @ellejapan
写真だと見えづらいけどディズニープラスさんからも送られてた🥰 that's why disney plus also sent flower for yuta😭 twitter.com/yualyneko/stat…
かずほく表紙のCINEMA STARS読んだけど、リョウキくん「ゆうたくんとは遠距離だからプレゼントされた指輪なかなか外せない、ずっと着けてます」って 🥺
アクション監督鈴村さんのお話: 悠太くんはこれまで一緒に仕事した中でTOP3に入るくらいすごかったって🥲 文字起こししたいけど、悠太くんのことすごく長く褒めて下さってました 【ゲスト:鈴村正樹】鈴村健一のラジベース 2022年9月20日(火) youtu.be/1amexeVUbd8
届きました🥰🥰🥰 本屋さんにも行くよ! #NCT127 #YUTA #ユウタ #NumeroTOKYO @NCT_OFFICIAL_JP
according to op who was invited to the preview and saw the movie (they said they would not include spoilers since it has not yet premiered to the public) yuta's fans absolutely MUST WATCH it
YUTA at Home OFFICIAL BOOK vol.1 mu-moで予約したんたけど今日どうしても持って帰りたかった🥰 #ユウタ #YUTA #YUTAatHome
Action director Suzumura said, "I was amazed at how he already mastered most of Suzaki's actions movements from the first time we met, even though he had never trained as an actor before. His punches and kicks also improved quickly in a short period of time. twitter.com/eigacom/status…
from the fans who attended today's Gouki-kun’s fan club event (#/家族会議2022) Gouki talked about H&L and Yuta there •Gouki, Akihisa and Yuta practiced actions together •Yuta seems to have quite a lot of his scenes (?) •Yuta’s fave in H&L is Todoroki
lrt in the hilo official booklet, action director suzumura said of yuta, "honestly i’ve never seen anyone at that level. for the film's action crew, yuta was their biggest concern because he was an important character in this film and had a lot of action scenes,
lrt suzaki ryo review by a critic who watched the preview of the worst x "while many actors were acting with low, yakuza-like voices for the production reasons of this style of movie, yuta-san's voice was so beautiful and gentle that every time he spoke, i went aww......🥺! (+)
YUTABARさん@YutaBar_China 🫶🏻 大阪に素敵な広告を出して下さりありがとうございました❤️❤️❤️
LRT「YUTAさんの物哀しい演技と横顔」 Akayama Kyoko san, a movie writer and interviewer, who watched "HiGH&LOW the WORST X" at the preview, cited Yuta's melancholy acting and side profile as one of the highlights of the movie.
J Movie Magazine [vol.84] - interview with the director, Hiranuma Norihira (only the part that he talked about Yuta)
According to an acquaintance of op’s who participated in the shooting of the H&L as an extra, Yuta-kun was really cool. They said he was kind enough to talk to them and he offered them drinks. 🥺💓 twitter.com/NCT_winron/sta…
Rampage sent their congratulatory flower to Yuta for today's dome concert 😭💗 twitter.com/omi_nami_/stat…
有価証券報告書 ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/4772/yuho_… 「また、 NCT127に所属する日本人メンバーYUTAが2022年9月に全国公開される「HiGH&LOW THE WORST X」に映画初出演、世界的ラグジュアリーブランド「Louis Vuitton」とフレンドシップ契約締結する等、 音楽以外の活動領域でも活躍を見せております。 」 🥲
昨日までまだオンラインにネックレスの在庫があったので、受け取りだけ店頭にして今日無事に持ち帰りました🙏🩵今はオンラインにももう在庫がないんですね😿 once again, thank you for having yuta at your show #LVMenSS24 #LVMenSS24xYUTA #YUTAxLouisVuitton
this tweet from ryoki-kun’s fan is so heartwarming 🥺 "seriously ryoki usually wears so many rings, but this time at the worst x event without yuta, the only ring he wore was the one matching with yuta. thinking about that, i almost cried bcs i felt the bond btw the Senomon duo" twitter.com/Yamko_BESTY/st…
※悠太くんに関係する箇所のみ抜粋 220810 ストリームメディアコーポレーション(SMC) 2022年第2四半期決算説明資料 ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/4772/ir_ma… twitter.com/liesntruth1026…
since many Japanese start living alone in April when the new year for school or business begins, radiko_jp has added #YUTAatHome to the list of programs that help relieve the loneliness of such listeners. twitter.com/radiko_jp/stat…