i just realized.... other than the diamonds and flower, Laplus-sama sent me a book........... 😲🤫💖✨
if this doesnt work, bye then🫡🫡
i suddenly got chu from korone-senpai (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ uuuuuuuwaaaaaaaaaaaa
kawaii (´。• ◡ •。`) ♡ ehe~ aaaaaaaaauooooooo
#KaelAttention 【Shorts #3】 📽️ airport bag screening: survival items 📺 youtube.com/shorts/lLmua48…
#KaelAttention 【Shorts #1】 📽️ airport doko? 📺 youtube.com/shorts/ASmM-Pz…
🦍☀️🫡🏃‍♀️🫵👍💪✅ ☀️ Pejuang Senin ⏰ 06.15 GMT+7 📺 youtube.com/live/qerFn9ATu…
we talk talk talk talk talk 🦍🫡 💖 Donation Reading & Free Talk ⏰ 21.15 GMT+7 📺 youtube.com/live/6xDSnM61z…
finishing the collab just now made me thinking "wow what a great collab week and achievement". jp id en collabs & sponsorship stream in a week!!!! isnt that crazy? 😳😳 i just wanna thank you all for making those happened ♥️✨ lets do a lot of things more~ 🐫🐫👋
we're going to learn how to play phasmo together!!!🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ it will be so much fun, i promise🫵✨ #KaelAttention 🎮 Phasmophobia with Fauna ⏰ 12.00 GMT+7 📺 youtube.com/live/WQOPmI2vT…
【League of Legends: Wild Rift】 Ramadan Rift Quiz Eps. 3 ft. Kaela Kovalskia!! Jika kalian ingin mengikuti kuis & memenangkan hadiahnya, join Discord Komunitas Wild Rift Indonesia: discord.gg/UdgfSRJwEK 🫵✨ #KaelAttention ⏰ 03.00 GMT+7 📺 youtube.com/live/vcyvtm6PQ…
i have a lot of work to do, but here i am. yeeting the hope as far as possible 🫡🫡 #KaelAttention 🎮 Delivering Hope ⏰ 20.30 GMT+7 📺 youtube.com/live/RzPf1HGES…
you know that im serious.🦍🫵⏰ twitter.com/kaelakovalskia…
🗓️April 12th, 2023 Waiting Rooms🗓️ #KaelAttention 🎮 Storyteller ⏰ 11.59 GMT+7 📺 youtube.com/live/Ptecwfx34… 🎮 DREDGE ⏰ 20.15 GMT+7 📺 youtube.com/live/tD_FqAELO…
holoidcaf3.id chef, can i secretly add bittergourd inside the nachos later?🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ HAEUHEAUEHAUEAHAEUHAEUH
playing horror games just for hunting all eggs. #KaelAttention 🎮 Phasmophobia with Risu, Iofi, Anya ⏰ 12.00 GMT+7 📺youtube.com/live/aEpBatjZG…
i still wanna add something here, but the 2nd floor storage is finally done for now!!! 🫡🫡 im trying to get the fantasy theme using quartz 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️i also customized pink and blue accessories to match sora-senpai~ ehe 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
otsulemao!!! just finished talking with sora-senpai❤️ thank you so much for playing with me!! i am very happy🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ そら先輩とコラボできて本当に嬉しいです!次はもっと頑張るぞー! #Kaelaif
🗓️April 10th Mini-schedule🗓️ #KaelAttention ☀️ Pejuang Senin ⏰ 06.15 GMT+7 📺 youtube.com/live/yWfeEE_09… 🎮 Minecraft with Sora-senpai ⏰ 19.00 GMT+7 📺 youtube.com/live/CrG-opn-7…
testing your eyes. not my eyes obviously 🫡🫡 #KaelAttention 🎮 A Castle Full of Cats ⏰ 21.30 GMT+7 📺 youtube.com/live/KIZYeeC1x…
otsulemao!!!!! 22 hours of minecraft was real 🫡👌 we did a lot of progress in the island!!! we also got a new neighbor, Mikochi!!!❤️ kawaii~ ehe✨✨ #Kaelaif
i need my overheated brain to concentrate on this stream 🫡🫡🫡 uwaaaaaaaaaa 🎮 Minecraft ⏰ 20.45 GMT+7 📺 youtube.com/live/3S74Oa-T6…
🗓️ April 7th Mini Schedule🗓️ 🎮 League of Legends: Wild Rift ⏰ 13.00 GMT+7 📺 youtube.com/live/u_OncZRYJ… 🎮 Phasmophobia with Kaeluarga ⏰ 20.30 GMT+7 📺 youtube.com/live/JcLFkHcGN…
otsulemao!!!!!!!! wooohoooo~ DREDGE: 69/10 frfr!!✨✨ and btw, thank you so much for the 600k🎉🎉 we did it once again!🫵🫵 you guys are amazing♥️ ehe~ #Kaelaif